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Did You Know?
  1. Drinking coffee in the morning can lower risk of mortality than drinking coffee later in the day; this could cut the risk of heart death by one third compared with people who drank no coffee, and also had a 16 percent lower risk of death from any cause.
  2. Coffee can improve mental health, prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, boost alertness and activity levels, boost gut diversity, lower risk of cancer, increase need to pass urine, reduce type 2 diabetes risk, help with weigh management, help maintain muscle mass, and protect the heart; however, coffee can increase heartbeat, cause heartburn, raise cholesterol, dampen sleep quality, and worsen some headaches.
  3. People who drank coffee (caffeinated or decaf) had a lower risk of dying from heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, and other medical complications than non-coffee drinkers; they often live longer than people who do not drink coffee.
  4. People who drink as little as a half cup or so of coffee or tea per day may lower brain cancer risk by as much as 34%.
  5. People who drink large amounts of orange juice or who eat a lot of grapefruit may be raising their risk of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer.
  6. Soda addiction can damage teeth.
  7. Heavy drinking hampers youths' memory and learning; and can cause neurological damage.
  8. Coffee drinkers may be less likely to be hospitalized for heart rhythm disturbances.
  9. Drinking coffee may have a lower risk of diabetes, but may elevate cholesterol levels associated with the amount consumed and how the coffee is prepared.
  10. Drinking tea lowered low-density lipoprotein, the LDL "bad" cholesterol, and had no effect on high-density lipoprotein, the HDL "good" cholesterol
  11. High consumption of unfiltered coffee (boiled or espresso) has been associated with mild elevations in cholesterol levels, and two or more cups of coffee a day may increase the risk of heart disease.
  12. Coffee may have health benefits and may not pose health risks for many people. A number of studies have found that coffee is associated with a reduced risk of diabetes. Having a few more cups of coffee and running that extra mile each day can reduce a man's risk of dying of prostate cancer.
  13. People who regularly drink coffee have lower risks for liver disease and reduce incidence of liver cancer.
  14. Regular intake of coffee can reduce the risk of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), which is a chronic, or long-term, disease that slowly damages the bile ducts inside and outside the liver.
  15. Coffee contained antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, which may help regulate blood sugar and prevent deadly blood clots.
  16. Coffee drinking is associated with a lower risk of depression among women, a lower risk of lethal prostate cancer among men, and a lower risk of stroke among men and women.
  17. Coffee, alcohol, smoking, weather, seasonal allergies, vitamin D, pregnancy, breast-feeding, hormones/ contraceptives, and cold/flu link to rheumatoid arthritis.
  18. Antioxidants in coffee, tea may not help prevent dementia, stroke.
  19. Alcohol, coffee, and smoking linked to increased high blood pressure (HBP), which linked to heart disease, stroke, and a shorter life expectancy. HBP symptoms that may occur include headache, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, nosebleed, confusion, ear noise or buzzing, and vision changes. However, most of the time, there are no symptoms.
  20. Most healthy adults can safely consume up to three eight-ounce cups of coffee (roughly 300 milligrams of caffeine) daily.
  21. Weight loss (5 to 7 percent), healthy eating, and daily physical activities can help prevent prediabetes from progressing to type 2 diabetes, improve heart health, reduce blood pressure, and lower cholesterol levels, contributing to overall well-being.
  22. If you effectively incorporated your lifestyle choices and habits into your daily routine, you will live a longer and healthier life.
    • Balanced Diet: Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, excessive sugar, and unhealthy fats.
    • Regular Exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, along with muscle-strengthening exercises on two or more days a week.
    • Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your body's repair and restoration processes.
    • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and functioning optimally.
    • Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.
    • Avoid Harmful Habits: Refrain from smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and avoid recreational drug use.
    • Regular Check-ups: Visit your healthcare provider for regular check-ups and screenings to catch any potential health issues early.
    • Mental Health: Take care of your mental well-being by staying socially connected, seeking support when needed, and engaging in activities that promote a positive mindset.
    • Stay Active Mentally: Challenge your brain with puzzles, reading, learning new skills, or taking up new hobbies.
    • Healthy Weight: Maintain a healthy weight through a combination of diet and exercise to reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  23. Healthy eating and exercise routines, including balanced meals, portion control, hydration, regular physical exercise, and strength training, can help people stay healthier, maintain good health and live longer.
    • Balanced Meals: Focus on a diet rich in whole foods—lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and low in red meats or processed meats; think grilled chicken, quinoa, avocado, and loads of greens.
    • Portion Control: Watch eating portions, even with healthy food; try using smaller plates to trick brain into feeling satisfied with less.
    • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day; stay hydrated can help regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, and aid in digestion.
    • Regular Physical Exercise: Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week, such as brisk walking, cycling, and swimming.
    • Strength Training: Include muscle-strengthening activities on 2-3 times per week; this helps for bone health, controlling blood sugar, boosting metabolism and maintaining muscle mass during weight loss.
  24. People with a strong sense of purpose of life often are less likely to die from stroke and heart disease.
  25. Married people tend to outlive their single counterparts, and also people who are divorced or widowed often live longer than those who have never been married.
  26. US adults living alone may face higher risk of cancer death; the risk is higher, 38%, for men compared to a 30% higher risk for women; these people are more likely to be non-Hispanic old men with serious distress or severe obesity, smoke cigarettes, consume alcohol, and have low incomes.
  27. People who never smoked, follow a healthy diet, are adequately physically active, and consume only moderate alcohol, have a mean life expectancy that is 11.1 years longer than those who practice none of these healthy life behaviors.
  28. The typical 65 year old today will live to age 85; about one out of every three 65 year old will live until at least age 90; and about one out of seven 65 year old will live until at least age 95.
  29. In 1965 the average U.S. life span was 70.2 years, and in 2011 it was 77.9 years; for someone born in 2009, it's expected to be 78.2; the average American lives to an age between 75 and 80. At age 60, an American man can expect to reach 82; a woman, 85. An American at 65 can expect to live 20 more years. A typical 65-year-old American today will live to age 83, one in four 65-year-olds will live to age 90, and one in ten 65-year-olds will live to age 95. One out of three men and 1 in 2 women in their mid-50s will live to 90.
  30. Stanford study revealed that life expectancy data from the past 50 years shows that people who survive to age 65 are continuing to live longer than their parents, and found that human lifespans increase by three years with every generation.
  31. Harvard study, almost 80 years old, has proved that embracing community helps people live longer, and be happier; the findings showed that people's relationships and how happy they are in relationships have a powerful influence on their health; and close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives.
  32. Number of people lived longer is increased rapidly; in 1950 4.5 million people lived over 80 years; there were 200.1 million people lived over 80 years in 2020; and there will be 394.7 million people in 2050.
  33. Today, there are more than 200,000 centennial (aged over 100) persons, and 66 people are over 110. The oldest persons in history were Jeanne Calment (1875–1997, 122 years, 164 days), Shigechiyo Izumi (1865–1986, 120 years, 237 days), and Christian Mortensen (1882–1998, 115 years, 252 days).
  34. A man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until age 84.3. A woman turning age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until age 86.6. Those are just averages; about one out of every four 65-year-olds today will live past age 90, and one out of 10 will live past age 95. - Life Expectancy Calculator.
  35. Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests are made to have an average score of 100. Psychologists revise the test every few years in order to maintain 100 as the average. Approximately two-thirds of the population scoring between IQ 85 and IQ 115 and about 2 percent each above 130 and below 70. IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate a “normal or average intelligence” or “higher average” while scores between 110 and 119 are indicative of a “superior intelligence” or “above average.” Anyone scoring between 120 and 140 in their IQ test would be classified as having a “superior intelligence” or being “gifted”; specially, 115 to 129: above average or bright, 130 to 144: moderately gifted, 145 to 159: highly gifted; and 160 to 179: exceptionally gifted.
  36. Even if you don't plan to receive monthly Medicare benefits, be sure to sign up for Medicare three months before turning age 65. If you don't sign up for Medicare Part B (medical insurance, which helps pay for services from doctors and other health care providers, outpatient care, home health care, durable medical equipment, and some preventive services) when you're first eligible, your coverage may not start right away and you may have to pay a late environment penalty for as long you have it. Once you decide on the best age for you to actually retire, you need to complete your application three months before the month in which you want retirement benefits to begin.
  37. On average, life expectancy for the U.S. population in 2015 was 78.8 years, a decrease of 0.1 year from 2014; women can expect to live longer than men -- 81.2 years vs. 76.3 years. From 2014 to 2015, age-adjusted death rates increased for 8 of 10 leading causes of death and decreased for 1. The rate increased 0.9% (over 633,000 deaths in 2015, up from a little more than 614,000 in 2014) for heart disease, 2.7% for chronic lower respiratory diseases, 6.7% for unintentional injuries (over 146,000 in 2015 from slightly more than 136,000 in 2014), 3.0% for stroke, 15.7% for Alzheimer’s disease, 1.9% for diabetes, 1.5% for kidney disease, and 2.3% for suicide (rose to 44,193 from 42,773 in 2014). The rate decreased by 1.7% for cancer (595,000 deaths in 2015). The rate for influenza and pneumonia did not change significantly. Life expectancy at age 65 did not fail in 2015, this indicates that the diseases behind the lower life expectancy occur in middle age or younger; at 65, male Americans can expect to live 18 more years, while women survive an average of 20.6 more years. The US ranks 28th out of 43 OECD countries. The world's highest life expectancy is in Japan, people there live, on average, to 83.7 years, which is followed by Switzerland and Spain on 83.3. The world's lowest life expectancy is in Sierra Leone, at 50.1 years.
  38. Walking briskly for about an hour a day can counteracts the effects of weight-promoting genes, helps tame a sweet tooth, reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, eases joint pain, and boosts immune function. Regular walking may lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, strengthen your bones and muscles, and help you maintain a healthy weight and lift your mood.
  39. Walking moderately can reduce 51 calories every 10 minutes for a person weighing 150 lbs (68kgs) while running a mile for 10 minutes will help lose 115 calories.
  40. Walking can prolong life; 2 miles (3.2 km) daily reduce by 50% the risk of dying, and 2.5 times the risk of having cancer and heart disease.
  41. People who got up and moved around for at least two minutes every hour had a 33 percent lower risk of dying.
  42. Taking daily walks of at least two miles can reduce hospitalizations from severe episodes of a life-threatening breathing disorder and may help fight chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which claims about 134,000 lives annually.
  43. Physical exercise helps you stay healthier longer, enjoy life more, reduce negative thoughts and emotions, get a good night’s sleep, boosts brainpower, lower physiological reactivity toward stress, decrease stress hormones, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and the risk of developing health conditions (e.g.; heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and obesity), increase confidence, improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, and maintain a healthy glow and a smile.
  44. Physical activity reduces many major mortality risk factors including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. All-cause mortality is decreased by about 30% to 35% in physically active as compared to inactive subjects.
  45. Sixty percent of American adults do less than 30 minutes of moderate activity three time a week.
  46. Women who walked for at least two hours or more each week were less likely to suffer a stroke than those who do not.
  47. Genes have little effect on Life Expectations. Controlling heart disease risk factors, like smoking, cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes, pays off in a more vigorous old age and a longer life. And it seems increasingly likely that education plays a major role in health and Life Expectations.
  48. Physical activities, such as weight lifting, hiking, swimming, 10 minutes of brisk, moderate walking three times a day, three 10-minute blocks of cycling, and 30 minutes a day of biking or stationary cycling, can help you maintain a healthy weight, and prevent and control many diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers.
  49. Regular physical exercise helps the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues in a more efficient way, and it may be the most effective weapon against aging.
  50. Regular physical activity tends to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and depression; 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week can help reduce the risk of these diseases.
  51. Physical activity, such as walking and cycling, can have substantial health benefits. Physical inactivity causes 1 in 10 deaths worldwide.
  52. Taking a dip in a tub of cold water after exercising may prevent muscle soreness.
  53. Inactive people are at increased risk of developing heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
  54. Exercise may help to keep the brain robust in people who have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  55. Exercise daily, don't smoke and control your blood pressure can significantly reduce heart attack and stroke.
  56. Regular exercise helps your body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues in a more efficient way; it sends oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.
  57. People who exercised daily are less likely to develop lung cancer and colorectal cancers than the least active people.
  58. People who exercise five or more days per week not only have less colds, but have a lower incidence of cold symptoms.
  59. The men who did exercise 15 hours or more a week often have a significantly higher sperm concentration than those who worked out less than 5 hours a week.
  60. The average healthy person walks 9,000 steps a day, by the age 70 she/he eventually walks about 460,000 miles totally.
  61. Physical exercise will help the heart pump more blood, send more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, and boost the immune system; these help to prevent illnesses like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, and heart disease.
  62. Women who spend a lot of time exercising or eat a heart-healthy diet appear to reach menopause earlier.
  63. The more you exercise, the better your body handles blood sugar and insulin, which results in warding off diabetes.
  64. Getting 160 minutes of physical exercise each week may increase your overall sleep time by 1.25 hours each night.
  65. Tai chi eased painful joints and other symptoms of fibromyalgia. Tai chi combines meditation with slow, gentle movements, deep breathing and relaxation. It can improve muscle strength, balance, sleep, coordination and fibromyalgia.
  66. A study published by the aircraft-maker Boeing shows that its employees who retire at 55 live to, on average, 83; however, those who retire at 65 only last, on average, another 18 months. In general, life expectation after 65 for higher professionals (e.g.; doctors, engineers, lawyers) are between 84 (male) and 87 (female), and lower professionals (e.g.; nurses, teachers) are around 83 (male) and 86 (female); for intermediate staff (e.g.; technicians, secretaries, clerks) and people doing small businesses, their life expectations after 65 are 83 (male) and 85 (female); 82 (male) and 84 (female) for people doing semi-routine jobs (e.g.; electricians, plumbers); 81 (male) and 85 (female) for people doing farm and construction work; and 80 (male) and 83 (female) for people doing full-routine work (e.g.; cleaners, laborers). Another study also shows that between 1950 and 2010, the additional remaining years expected after age 65 increase by 4.9 years for males and 5.3 years for females in the U.S.
  67. The world's tallest man today is 36-year-old Leonid Stadnyk (Ukraine), 8 feet 5 inches tall. The second tallest one is 59-year-old Bao Xishun (Inner Mongolia), 7 feet 9 inches tall.
  68. The world's shortest man is 20-year-old He Pingping (Inner Mongolia); he stands only 74.1 centimeters (26 inches) and weighs 15.4 pounds (7 kilograms).
  69. The world's tallest family is the Trapp family living in Minnesota (US), as of April 2022 the family's average height is 6 feet, 8 inches. The tallest member of the family is the youngest sibling, 22, who stands at 7 feet, 3 inches; the 27-year-old sister and the 24-year-old sister stand at 6-feet, 6-inches tall and at 6-feet, 8-inches tall, respectively; the father is 6-feet, 8-inches tall; and the mom is the shortest at 6 feet, 3 inches.
  70. The tallest married couple ever recorded was Anna Haining Swan who was 7’11” tall and Martin Van Buren Bates who was 7’9" tall, their wedding was held at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London, England in 1865, where thousands attended the spectacle to witnesses the marriage of two giants with a combined height of 15 feet and 8 inches. The next tallest married couple recorded in 2016 in China was Sun Mingming (7'9" tall) and his wife Xu Yan (6'2" tall) with a combined height of nearly 13 feet and 11 inches.
  71. Steps that will help you live to 100 and beyond:
    • Avoid stress to reduce risk of stroke and heart attack.
    • Be physically active every day to keep body and mind fit.
      • Sport, running, walking and other physical effects should be included in daily activities
    • Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, lean protein, vegetables, and fruits.
      • Eat when you feel famished
      • Reduce or avoid unhealthy saturated fats and trans fats.
      • Avoid unhealthy foods like red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fat, and sodium.
      • Use healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
      • Eat healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, healthy fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Be sure to get enough vitamin D and calcium.
    • Don’t smoke.
    • Moderate alcohol intake (5-15 grams per day for women, and 5-30 grams per day for men)
      • One drink a day (an 8 oz. serving of wine or beer) can help keep your heart healthy and your brain sharp
    • Maintain a healthy weight and body shape.
      • Keep body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9.
    • Sleeping well and enough
      • Sleep 7 hours each night
      • Go to sleep when you feel sleepy
      • Wash with cool water before going to bed
    • Stay away from too much TV
    • Challenge your mind.
    • Volunteer to make a difference in your community and give back to a cause that you believe in.
      • Live with a higher sense of purpose – either through faith, religion, or community service
    • Build a strong social network and maintain a healthy social life
      • Keep in touch with friends.
    • Protect your sight, hearing and general health by following preventive care guidelines.
    • Floss, brush, and see a dentist regularly.
    • Discuss with your doctor whether you need any medicine to help you stay healthy
      • Take medicines to control high blood pressure, treat osteoporosis or lower cholesterol.
  72. Genotoxic carcinogenic acrylamide, a cancer-causing substance, was detected in more than 95 per cent of instant coffee, coffee beans, capsules and powder. Acrylamide is a chemical used primarily to make substances called polyacrylamide and acrylamide copolymers, which are used in many industrial processes (e.g.; the production of paper, dyes, and plastics), and in consumer products (e.g.; caulking, food packaging, and some adhesives). It is also a pollutant produced from free amino acids and by reducing sugars in food at high temperatures. The major food sources of acrylamide are French fries and potato chips; crackers, bread, and cookies; breakfast cereals; canned black olives; prune juice; and coffee. Prolonged exposure to high doses of acrylamide potentially increases the risk of cancer. Recent studies in rodent models have found that acrylamide exposure increases the risk for several types of cancer. However, a large number of epidemiologic studies (both case-control and cohort studies) in humans have found no consistent evidence that dietary acrylamide exposure is associated with the risk of any type of cancer.
  73. Papaya leaf is used for a variety of culinary and medicinal purposes. It is used as a vegetable, for dressing wounds, the fine paste is used for jaundice, its infusion is used for gonorrhea and urinary complaints, in colic, vermifuge, beriberi, fever, abortion, its smoke is used for asthma. Papaya leaf extracts contain numerous compounds that can provide some benefits against some types of cancer, may stop the growth of a variety of bacteria and increase platelet count in patients with dengue fever as well as help to clean out the digestive tract, removing parasites and worms, and improve general health and vitality. Papaya is wealthy in fiber; however, its leaves at high doses may cause stomach irritation and torment, increase stomach gas and chafe the stomach.
  74. Contact lens is one of several effective methods people use to see better without affecting their appearance or interfering with many sports and activities. Around 45 million people in the U.S. wear contact lenses, of which 66% are female. The average age of contact lens wearers worldwide is 31 years old, and around 8% of contact lens wearers are under 18 years old, 17% are between ages 18-24, and 75% of adults age 25 and older wear contacts. There are some complications and risk factors (e.g.; serious eye infections that can lead to blindness) for lens wearers failing to follow proper contact lens care instructions. In the U.S. serious eye infections affect associated with contact lenses up to 1 out of every 500 contact lens users per year, and lead to 1 million lens wearers to visit doctors or hospitals annually. The outbreak of Fusarium keratitis associated with soft hydrophilic contact lens wear in 2005 and 2006 has primarily been associated with Bausch & Lomb ReNu MoistureLoc and MultiPlus multipurpose contact lens disinfecting solutions.
  75. Women were more likely to be diagnosed with mental illness than men (23 percent of women versus 16.9 percent of men), and the rate of mental illness was more than twice as likely in young adults (18 to 25) than people older than 50.
  76. If you started troubling memory loss, difficulty completing routine tasks or confusion, such as momentarily forgetting where your office is, missing standing appointments, becoming confused in your field of expertise, regularly forgetting paying bills, or becoming disoriented in a system you had once mastered, you may have Alzheimer’s.
  77. People with lots of close friends and family around will likely live a lot longer than lonesome people.
  78. Adults with pre-diabetes who lost 7% of their body weight can reduce their risk of diabetes by 58%
  79. Poor general health and depression were linked to sleep disturbances and tiredness.
  80. Men who are heavy overweight or obese during late adolescence may be more than twice as likely to develop colorectal cancer by middle age.
  81. People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and other health problems.
  82. Obese women have four times as many unplanned pregnancies as healthy-weight women despite having less sex, and obese men are more likely to have sexual diseases despite fewer partners.
  83. Obesity and inactivity may account for around 30 percent of major cancers, including cancers of colon, post-menopausal breast, endometrium, kidney, and esophagus.
  84. Overweight people often tend to have diabetes, heart disease, and other life-shortening conditions.
  85. If you are watching too much TV, lacking physical activity, unchecking depression, ignoring snoring, ignoring high blood pressure, not regularly cleaning teeth, withdrawing from the world, smoking, drinking (too much) alcohol, overeating, eating (too much) red meat and salty food, and/or avoiding eating fruits and vegetables, you will have cardiovascular disease at some times in your lifetime.
  86. High school dropouts have a life expectancy that is 9.2 years shorter than high school graduates.
  87. Tans are caused by harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun or tanning lamps; indoor tanning can lead to premature skin aging (e.g.; wrinkles, lax skin, brown spots), as well as skin cancer.
  88. Tanning beds are not the only place where you can find harmful UVA radiations; the heat lamp at nail salons may be just as harmful as the tanning bed.
  89. Use of cleaning products may be at higher breast cancer risk.
  90. Nearly every reusable bag is found dirty with amounts of bugs. Coliform bacteria, found from raw-meat or uncooked-food contamination, was half of the bags, and E.coli was found in 12 percent of the bags.
  91. The human body is 61.8 percent water by weight. Protein accounts for 16.6 percent, fat 14.9 percent, and nitrogen 3.3 percent. The remaining3.4% is for other elements.
  92. Dehydration can cause body weakness. Difficulty focusing on the computer screen, short-term memory problems and trouble with basic math can be caused by a mere 2% drop in body water. At around 5% to 6% water loss, one may become groggy or sleepy, experience headaches or nausea, and may feel tingling in one's limbs (paresthesia). With 10% to 15% fluid loss, muscles may become spastic, skin may shrivel and wrinkle (decreased skin turgor), vision may dim, urination will be greatly reduced and may become painful, and delirium may begin. Losses greater than 15% are usually fatal.
  93. Water is indeed essential for all life, on, in, and above the Earth. Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive. Water is essential for health and is necessary for numerous bodily functions, such as temperature regulation, cellular function, and waste removal. Our bodies contain a lot of water; the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are about 83% water, the skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones contain 31% water.
    • Generally, 60% of an adult’s weight, and 78% of a newborn’s weight, is body fluid.
    • The body of a 155 lbs (70 kgs) man contains about 11.1 gallons (42 liters) of water.
    • Different people have different percentages of their bodies made up of water.
    • Babies and kids have more water (as a percentage) than adults; babies have the most, being born at about 78%; by one year of age, that amount drops to about 65%.
    • Women have less water than men (as a percentage); about 60% of male bodies are water, and about 55% of female bodies were made of water.
    • People with more fatty tissue have less water than people with less fatty tissue (as a percentage).
    • A male adult needs about 3 liters (3.2 quarts, or 15.5 cups) per day while a female adult needs about 2.2 liters (2.3 quarts, or 11.5 cups) daily.
    • All of the water a person needs does not have to come from drinking liquids, as some of this water is contained in the food we eat.
    • Every day, we lose water through our breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements, which is why it’s important to continue to take in water throughout the day.
  94. About 47% Americans have at least 1 of 3 key risk factors for heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking.
    • High blood pressure happens when the pressure of the blood in your arteries and other blood vessels is too high; you can lower your blood pressure with lifestyle changes or with medicine to reduce your risk for heart disease and heart attack.
    • Eating a diet high in saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol has been linked to heart disease.
    • Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made by the liver or found in certain foods. The extra cholesterol can build up in the walls of the arteries, including those of the heart. This leads to narrowing of the arteries and can decrease the blood flow to the heart, brain, kidneys, and other parts of the body.
    • Cigarette smoking can damage the heart and blood vessels, which increases your risk for heart conditions such as atherosclerosis and heart attack.
  95. The more you drink alcohol, the higher your chances are of developing high blood pressure. Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. If you have high blood pressure, avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only in moderation - 2 drinks a day for men younger than age 65; 1 drink a day for men age 65 and older; and 1 drink a day for women of any age - Continued alcohol use across several days creates a more sustained rise in blood pressure.
  96. Drinking three glasses of milk a day was associated with a higher risk of premature death. Dairy consumption of milk may play a role in increased risk of asthma, Parkinson’s disease, and elevated blood pressure and canker sores. In general for women who drank more milk have higher rates of bone and hip fractures, heart disease, cancer, and premature death; men with higher milk consumption may have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
  97. For most people living in the United States, the typical lifespan is much longer than it was a few generations ago; in 1900's average life expectancy was 49 years, it’s almost 79 years today.
  98. Globally, life expectancy at birth in 2016 was 72.0 years (74.2 years for females and 69.8 years for males), ranging from 61.2 years in the Africa to 77.5 years in the Europe.
  99. As of 2019, 14 of the top 20 countries for life expectancy are in Europe, but East Asia tops the pile overall. The life expectancy in Spain, Switzerland, Italy, and Australia was over 83 years, and people born today in Japan and Singapore can expect to live to 84 years old.
  100. Afghanistan the only Asian country near the bottom, with a life expectancy of only 58. Babies born in neighboring South Africa in 2016 can expect to live to 62. Lesotho and the Central African Republic, which has been ravaged by civil war, have a life expectancy of only 50 years.
  101. Women outlive men in 195 countries out of 198 countries on average by 6 years; and in Russia, Lithuania and Belarus, women do so by 11 years.
  102. To have a longer and healthy life, you should not smoke. Not smoking is a pathway to a longer, healthier life. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the world. Smoking contributes to heart disease, osteoporosis, emphysema and other chronic lung problems, and stroke. Smoking causes around 7 out of every 10 cases of lung cancer. Smoking damages your heart and your blood circulation, increasing your risk of developing coronary heart disease,   heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular disease (damaged blood vessels), and cerebrovascular disease.
  103. Healthful behaviors can help you stay active and healthy into your 60s, 70s, and beyond. The key to healthy aging is to engage fully in life mentally, physically, and socially. People born in the U.S. today can expect to live to an average age of about 79. A century ago, life expectancy was closer to 54. If you make it to age 65 today, the likelihood that you’ll make it to 85 is very high; and if you make it to 85, the likelihood that you’ll make it to 92 is very high. So people are living longer, and it’s happening across the globe.
  104. By applying a good sunscreen on your exposed skin to protect it from sun damage, you can slow early ageing.
  105. Years of wearing high heels can alter the anatomy of calf muscles and tendons. Women who wore heels had shorter calf muscle fibers than those who didn't wear heels.
  106. Bags under eyes, which include mild swelling, saggy or loose skin and dark circles, are usually a cosmetic concern and rarely a sign of a serious underlying medical condition. Several factors can lead to this, including fluid retention due to changes in weather (for example, hot, humid days), hormone levels or eating salty foods, not getting enough sleep, allergies or dermatitis, especially if puffiness is accompanied by redness and itching, and heredity (under-eye bags can run in families).
  107. Men with long index fingers have a lower risk of prostate cancer.
  108. The top 5 types that cause the most deaths in the United States annually are: tobacco: 480,000 + deaths, alcohol: 26,700 + deaths, prescription painkillers: 16,200 + deaths, and heroin: 8,200 + deaths.
  109. Being too skinny or too fat is unhealthy and can shorten life.
  110. Two-thirds of American adults are classified as either overweight or obese, and about one in three Americans develop some type of cancer during their life.
  111. 33% of American children (of which 40% of African American and Hispanic) are overweight or obese.
  112. People who are a low weight at birth and have unhealthy habits as adults, such as eating nutritionally poor diets or smoking, may have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people born at an average weight who live similar lifestyles.
  113. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol, doing physical activity and having a healthy diet, can reduce 30% of cancer and the heart disease.
  114. Heavy alcohol drinkers are likely to get cancer more than those who drink moderately or not at all.
  115. Heavy alcohol drinking may cause brain damage, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stroke, heart disease, pancreatic disease and liver disease.
  116. A small glass of juice or small glass of soda a day is linked to increased risk of cancer - 100 ml, about a third of a typical can of soda - to an 18% increase in overall cancer risk and a 22% increase in risk for breast cancer; however, there is no link between diet beverages and cancer. Drinking two or more of any kind of artificially sweetened drink a day was linked to an increased risk of clot-based strokes, heart attacks and early death in women over 50.
  117. One energy drink (e.g.; Red Bull) may contain as much caffeine as 14 cans of caffeinated soda.
  118. Drinking one can (12-ounce) of soda daily may increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 22%.
  119. Diet soda may benefit the waistline, but people who drink it every day may have a heightened risk of heart attack and stroke.
  120. Consuming soybeans and soy-based products such as tofu benefits cardiovascular health, weight loss and the prevention of certain cancers, and certain components of soy might be linked to stimulating the growth of breast cancer cells
  121. Black tea, citrus consumption may lower ovarian cancer risk.
  122. Green tea has been touted for a number of health benefits, such as fighting heart disease and cancer.
  123. Men and women should drink no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine. Drinking alcohol has a greater effect on the risks of several other cancers - including mouth, liver, breast and bowel; 'half a glass of wine every day' increases breast cancer risk. Eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight are important for reducing the risk of lots of diseases, including cancers.
  124. People who have two or more cups of green tea daily can reduce their cholesterol levels.
  125. Women veterinarians have double the risk of miscarriage
  126. .
  127. People who eat a lot of fiber every day may be less likely to die prematurely from a range of illnesses -- including heart disease, cancer and infection. The protective effect came mainly from cereal fiber in grains, not other sources of fiber such as fruits and vegetables.
  128. People who drank diet soda every day had a 61 percent higher risk of vascular events, including stroke and heart attack, than those who completely eschewed the diet drinks. Diet sodas might be also bad for your head.
  129. Cocoa with high levels of two antioxidants (epicatechin and catechin) can protect skin from sun damage, improve blood flow to skin cells, help hydration, and make the skin look and feel smoother.
  130. Salmon (along with other cold-water fish) is a great source of protein, one of the building blocks of great skin that can reduce wrinkles.
  131. Salmon, yellow peppers, oysters, eggs, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, avocados, and almonds can help your hair grow faster.
  132. People, who ate 3 ounces of red meat a day — whole or processed — have higher risk of cardiovascular and cancer mortality than those lowered their red meat consumption to no more than 1.5 ounces or less a day.
  133. Eating a small square of dark chocolate daily can help lower blood pressure for people with hypertension.
  134. Eating chocolate may lower blood pressure and cardiovascular risk, and improve cholesterol and insulin regulation.
  135. Eat properly, drink fluids, consume fresh fruits and vegetables, chose a diet high in fiber and whole grains, avoid too much red, processed meats, avoid smoking, maintain a healthy weight, stay active, exercise and take Aspirin or Non-Steoidals (NSAISs) can lower risk of colon cancers.
  136. Eating a variety of healthy foods and doing physical exercise daily can go a long way toward promoting healthy aging.
  137. Eating better, weighing less and exercising more are now being recognized as important components of the fight against cancer. The cancers that are reported to occur less frequently in these people are cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, and possibly the lung, digestive system, thyroid, bladder and the hematopoietic system.
  138. A low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet may increase the risk for cardiovascular disease.
  139. Eating brown rice can cut diabetes risk.
  140. Red meat (beef, pork, or lamb) and processed meat consumption has increased cancer risk. About 34,000 cancer deaths per year worldwide are attributable to diets high in processed meat.
  141. Processed red meat products -- such as hot dogs, bacon, and salami -- increases risk of coronary heart disease and a 20% higher risk of dying.
  142. Eating red meat (e.g.; muscle meat such as beef, veal, pork, lamb and mutton) and processed meat (e.g.; hot dogs, ham and bacon) raises the risk of colon cancer.
  143. Substituting white rice may the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  144. Replacing processed/refined foods with whole-grain foods may help lower blood pressure. High blood pressure can contribute to heart disease, heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and more. A study showed that eating three servings of whole-grain products daily could reduce the risk of coronary artery disease by at least 15% and stroke by 25% or more.
  145. People who regularly eat in restaurants double their risk of becoming obese and heart attack.
  146. Cutting sugar intake by 130 calories a day—the amount in one 12-ounce can of regular soda—may help lower blood pressure.
  147. A low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet may increase the risk for cardiovascular disease.
  148. Sugar intake linked to heart disease - Just like eating a high-fat diet can increase your levels of triglycerides and high cholesterol, eating sugar can also affect those same lipids.
  149. A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia, and have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes.
  150. High intake of supplemental calcium is associated with an excess risk of cardiovascular disease death in men but not in women.
  151. High levels of vitamin D in the blood appear to be linked to lower risks of colorectal cancer.
  152. Vitamin D contribute to a strong and healthy heart. A lack of vitamin D may contribute to depression in both men and women. Inadequate vitamin D levels may significantly increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and death.
  153. One third of Americans are not getting enough vitamin D, which is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium.
  154. Vitamin D and Calcium supplementation can prevent fractures in adults; however, there was little evidence that these supplements prevent fractures in healthy women.
  155. Low vitamin D levels may damage the brain.
  156. Vitamin D helps the body to maintain healthy levels of calcium and phosphates, low levels have now been linked to a risk of bladder cancer.
  157. Vitamin D has many attributes and is a vital component to a healthy being, and has been proven to be beneficial for bone strength, and immunity systems. The majority of vitamin D is from the sun, but it is also found in fatty fish, oil, bread, and dietary supplements.
  158. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an array of health problems, including bone fractures, heart disease, and depression. It is also powerless to ward off upper respiratory tract infection -- an umbrella diagnosis that covers colds and flu, as well as sinus infections and other related problems.
  159. Skim milk, unsalted sunflower seeds, beans, spinach, baked white potato, bananas, soybeans, and dark chocolate help lower blood pressure.
  160. Antioxidant found in breast milk can prevent liver disease and cell damage. Antioxidants are commonly found in fruits and vegetables; vitamins C and E, selenium, and carotenoids are all examples of antioxidants.
  161. Aspartame, a white, odorless powder low-calorie artificial sweetener that is about 200 times sweeter than sucrose and is commonly used as a sugar substitute in foods and beverages. Aspartame is widely used in various food and beverage products since the 1980s, including soda diet drinks, ice cream, chewing gum, gelatin, and dairy products such as yogurt, breakfast cereal, toothpaste and medications such as cough drops and chewable vitamins. Food and beverage producers say there's no reason to avoid products with aspartame. Unfortunately, scientists have deemed the sweetener aspartame—found in diet soda and countless other foods—as a "possible" cause of cancer. Aspartame joins a category with more than 300 other possible cancer-causing agents.
  162. Both sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) beverages were linked with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A high intake of SSBs has been associated with weight gain - possibly due to lower satiety and increased blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance - while LCS beverages may also cause weight gain by stimulating appetite and a sweet preference in some people. Alternatives to LCS beverages and SSBs are plain, carbonated, and/or unsweetened flavored waters.
  163. Sugar-substitutes may be 'potentially helpful,' 'potentially harmful,' or have 'unclear effects' with regard to your health. People who frequently consume sugar substitutes may be at an increased risk of excessive weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
  164. Black foods, dark drink and cigarette cause teeth to stain and turn yellow. Stains happen when dark foods (e.g.; black beans, black soybeans) and beverages (e.g.; coffee, tea) or substances in cigarette smoke adhere to plaque or tartar on the tooth's surface or penetrate into porous enamel.
  165. Black or dark foods can provide lots of nutrients.
  166. Eggs are bad for your heart. One large egg yolk has about 213 mg of cholesterol. If you are healthy, you should limit one egg a day. If you have cardiovascular disease, diabetes or a high blood cholesterol level, you should limit one egg every 2-day.
  167. Studies have linked chocolate consumption with lower blood pressure, lower levels of bad cholesterol and reduced risk of stroke and heart attack; however, chocolate may increase risk of diabetes.
  168. People who ate chocolate more than five times a week had lower risks for any cardiovascular disease and stroke.
  169. Top foods to avoid with high blood pressure:
  170. The top 10 cancer fighting foods are:
  171. Aspartame, which is an artificial, non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute in some foods and beverages, is known to have as much as 90 side effects associated with it.
  172. About 70% of the people are unaware of what they are eating or are about to eat.
  173. A diet rich in fruits, and possibly veggies, may help lower risk for lung cancer.
  174. High intake of nuts has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and death.
  175. A diet rich in antioxidants — especially from fruits and vegetables — can reduce the risk of heart attack in women.
  176. One study found no nutritional difference between organic and conventional produce, and conventional even squeaked ahead in one category.
  177. In August 2010, 228 million eggs from an Iowa farm recalled after 100's of people in three states became ill from salmonella contamination.
  178. Fentanyl, heroin, oxycodone, cocaine, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, benzodiazepines, and ecstasy are the most dangerous drugs that can have fatal consequences.
    • The adverse effect of fentanyl is respiratory depression, that is, decreased sensitivity to carbon dioxide leading to reduced rate of breathing, which can cause anoxic brain injury or death.
    • After using heroin, users usually will be drowsy for several hours; mental function is clouded; heart function slows, and breathing is also severely slowed, sometimes enough to be life-threatening.
    • Oxycodone can cause shallow breathing, slowed heart rate, cold/clammy skin, pauses in breathing, low blood pressure, constricted pupils, circulatory collapse, respiratory arrest, and death.
    • A single dose of cocaine induces tolerance to the drug's effects; repeated use is likely to result in cocaine addiction; addicts who abstain from cocaine experience cocaine craving and drug withdrawal, with depression, decreased libido, decreased ability to feel pleasure and fatigue.
    • A methamphetamine overdose may result in abnormal heart rhythm, confusion, difficult and/or painful urination, high or low blood pressure, high body temperature, over-active and/or over-responsive reflexes, muscle aches, severe agitation, rapid breathing, tremor, urinary hesitancy, and an inability to pass urine.
    • Crack cocaine, commonly known simply as crack or rock, acts as a local anesthetic, numbing the tongue or mouth only where directly placed; its short-term physiological effects include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure.
    • Benzodiazepines (also known as BZD, BDZ, BZs, and benzos) can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and decreased alertness and concentration; the long-term effects of benzodiazepine use can include cognitive impairment as well as affective and behavioural problems.
    • Ecstasy, commonly known as methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine (MDMA), use can cause grinding and clenching of the teeth, erectile dysfunction, increased wakefulness or insomnia, increased heart rate and blood pressure, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
  179. In 2020, nearly 92,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States, including over 50,000 people died from opioid-involved overdoses. The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, has become a public health crisis with devastating consequences. The increase in injection drug use has also contributed to the spread of infectious diseases including HIV and hepatitis C.
  180. Marijuana is a drug composed of the leaves and flowers of plants in the cannabis plant, cocaine is derived from the coca plant that grows in South American countries, opium is a narcotic made from the white liquid in the poppy plant, opioid is found in the opium poppy plant, heroin is from poppies and magic mushrooms, and psilocybin is a chemical obtained from certain types of fresh or dried mushrooms. But the most damaging drugs caused today’s overdose crisis, do not come from plants; they are synthetic, like fentanyl and methamphetamine (meth), manufactured in a lab.
  181. Marijuana impairs short-term memory and judgment and distorts perception, it can impair performance in school or at work and make it dangerous to drive an automobile.
  182. Smoking of marijuana increases risks of lung cancer, weakened immunity system, brain drain and heart diseases, using pot as medicine instead of real medical care is not smart.
  183. Smoking a cigarette may reduce life span by 11 minutes; each carton of cigarettes represents a day and a half of lost life.
  184. Resuming smoking after recovering from a heart attack can raise the risk of dying as much as five-fold.
  185. Tobacco kills two in three smokers. Long-term smokers will die an estimated 10 years earlier than non-smokers, and about 67% of them eventually die from cancer or other smoking-related illnesses.
  186. Smoking 10 cigarettes a day doubled the risk, while 20-a-day smokers were four to five times more likely to die.
  187. In Australia, about 13% of adults smoke; in the UK, the figure is about 20%. There are estimated 10 million adult smokers in the UK in 2013, of which 22% are male and 19% are female.
  188. Until e-cigarettes have been endorsed as safe and effective by national regulators, "consumers should be strongly advised not to use any of these products", WHO advised.
  189. Tobacco use is a major cause of many of the world’s top killer diseases – including cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive lung disease and lung cancer. In total, tobacco use is responsible for the death of almost one in 10 adults worldwide.
  190. A routine cardiac imaging stress test should not be performed on asymptomatic patients
  191. Mothers who smoke during pregnancy may increase their baby's risk of asthma.
  192. Based on a CDC health survey report, in 2011, 19% of American adults were current smokers, and 21% were former smokers. Based on estimates of body mass index, 34% of adults were overweight and 28% were obese.
  193. Cigarette smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. In the United States, cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths. People who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke. Radon, a naturally occurring gas that comes from rocks and dirt, causes about 20,000 cases of lung cancer each year, making it the second leading cause of lung cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer with approximately 25 percent of all cancer deaths in the U.S.
  194. Lung cancer is higher for men (46.7 per 100,000 persons) than for women (31.9 per 100,000 persons). In 2016 148,945 American died because of lung cancer, and an estimated 154,050 Americans are expected to die from lung cancer in 2018. The lung cancer five-year survival rate (18.6 percent) is lower than many other leading cancer sites, such as colorectal (64.5 percent), breast (89.6 percent) and prostate (98.2 percent). The five-year survival rate for lung cancer is 56 percent for cases detected when the disease is still localized (within the lungs). However, only 16 percent of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage.
  195. Smoking is clearly the major risk factor for lung cancer. However, about one-quarter of lung cancer cases worldwide are diagnosed in people who have never smoked.
  196. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable illness, causing more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States; about 50 years ago, roughly 42 percent of U.S. adults smoked, but as of October 2016 only 15 percent of U.S. adults smoke.
  197. Quitting smoking will increase your longevity; quitting at age 30 could increase your lifespan by 12 years, stopping smoking at age 40, 50, or 60 boosts life expectancy by 9, 6, or 3 years, respectively.
  198. Secondhand smoke (a mixture of smoke from the lighted end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar and the smoke exhaled by a smoker) causes heart disease and lung cancer in non-smoking adults.
  199. Secondhand smoke kills more than 600,000 people worldwide every year. The deaths include about 379,000 from heart disease, 165,0000 from lower respiratory infections, 36,900 from asthma, and 21,400 from lung cancer.
  200. 1 in 10 deaths worldwide is from a smoking-related disease.
  201. Cell phones emit ultra-high-frequency radio waves during calls and data transfers, and this radiation may link to long-term health risks like brain cancer.
  202. Cell phone use is tied to changes in brain activity, which may cause brain cancer.
  203. Diesel, a type of fuel derived from crude oil, is used in most trucks, buses, trains, construction and farm equipment, generators, ships, and in some cars; diesel exhaust has been found to cause cancer, based largely on the possible link to lung cancer.
  204. If you bleach your teeth too often, it can thin the enamel; your teeth can end up almost translucent.
  205. Reinast, a German company, has been selling its new Reinast luxury toothbrush at $4,320 - And no, it doesn't do anything special - It also offers three different bristled toothbrush replacement plans: 5 years for $400, 7 years for $800, or 11 years for $1,600.
  206. Most dentists recommend using a toothbrush labeled "soft", since hard bristled toothbrushes can damage tooth enamel and irritate the gums
  207. Most toothbrushes were introduced to Europe through merchants and travelers in East Asia by the 17th century. The first nylon toothbrush was made by DuPont in the 1930s.
  208. Reduced anger, peaceful mind, and forgiveness may help lower the risk of anxiety, high blood pressure, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, and other ailments.
  209. People, who believe in God and attend regularly religious services, tend to live longer than people who attended no services.
  210. People who work more than 11 hours on a daily basis might lead to heart disease.
  211. Using certain beauty products, such as hair dyes and eating certain foods, like pepperoni, can increase your risk of cancer
  212. Each person owns at least eight distinctive intelligences, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Naturalistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, and Spatial.
  213. Heart disease is less common in moderate drinkers (one drink a day for women and one or two for men) than in people who don't drink at all.
  214. Living near trees is good for health.
  215. The Mediterranean diet is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and fish. people shows the impressive benefits of this diet. It helps lower the risk of obesity, elevated blood sugar, increased blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.
  216. Taking regular naps will keep stress hormones down, which makes your heart healthy.
  217. People who have less than seven to eight hours of sleep can lead to a lower resistance to the common cold.
  218. Lack of sleep causes fat accumulation around organs.
  219. Too much sleep or too little sleep is linked to leading chronic diseases, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, obesity and anxiety.
  220. Lonely people often suffer more fragmented sleep, which causes poor health.
  221. Lack of sleep can cause memory loss and sleep deprivation could increase the risk of false memory formation.
  222. People with bad sleep may be more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease.
  223. Women, who slept less than six hours a night, were more likely to develop breast cancer and had an increased risk of potentially cancerous colorectal polyps than women who slept longer.
  224. Lack of quality sleep for adults may increase health risks, including a greater likelihood of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and being overweight or obese; it's recommended that adolescents should have 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep a night.
  225. People who snore loudly, have difficulty falling asleep, or often wake up feeling tired may be at increased risk of developing heart disease and other health problems.
  226. Women who begin snoring after becoming pregnant may be at increased risk of developing high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.
  227. Getting enough good quality sleep will lower the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and other health problems.
  228. The standard sleep is defined as 7 hours, 6-8 hours, 7-8 hours, 7-9 hours, and 9 hours of sleep; six hours of sleep or less is considered as a short sleep, and a long sleep is sleeping 9 hours or more. Sleeping outside the standard sleep each night reduces your life expectancy.
  229. Sleeping longer is linked to faster decline in cognitive brain function, such as memory and thinking.
  230. Men with insomnia (i.e.; sleeplessness) who sleep fewer than six hours each night are at an increased risk of dying compared with people who sleep longer. Less sleep has also been linked with hypertension and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  231. Shorter-than-normal or longer-than-normal sleep was associated with increased risk of developing or dying of coronary heart disease and stroke. Most studies classed the duration of “normal sleep” as 7-8 hours a night.
  232. People, who averaged less than six hours of sleep at night, had an almost 50 per cent increase in the risk of colorectal adenomas compared with individuals sleeping at least seven hours per night.
  233. Exercising improves sleep for many people, and exercise more during the day will help you sleep better at night.
  234. Six hours and 30 minutes is the average amount of time that American adults report sleeping each night during the work week.
  235. Regularly sleeping less than six hours a night will likely increase the risk of pre-diabetes and Alzheimer's, and can also lead to other serious health problems, such as obesity, cancer, and heart disease.
  236. During sleep the body renews its immune function, improves the response to insulin, and produces growth hormone, which is essential for healthy muscle and skin tissues.
  237. Women, who slept less than six hours a night, were more likely to develop breast cancer and had an increased risk of potentially cancerous colorectal polyps than women who slept longer.
  238. Research shows that most people require seven or eight hours of sleep to function optimally. Failing to get enough sleep night after night can compromise your health and may even shorten your life..
  239. Blacks likely spend more time in bed without going to sleep more than Hispanics, white and Asians.
  240. Ten percent of blacks and Hispanics report having nightly lovemaking every night, compared with 1 percent of Asians and 4 percent of whites.
  241. Blacks get 38 minutes less sleep than whites and 34 minutes less than Asians.
  242. Asians (9 percent) likely get a good sleep at night less than whites (20 percent), blacks (18 percent) and Hispanics (14 percent).
  243. Asians infrequently use sleeping pills to get a good sleep. Whites are more likely to use over-the-counter sleep aids. Blacks are most likely to use prescription sleeping pills.
  244. There is a link between plentiful social connections and longevity; the more you have friends the more you live longer.
  245. People who score high on the trait of conscientiousness often have stronger relationships and better careers, and intend to be more organized and less cluttered in their homes and offices.
  246. Snoring, which occurs when the airway narrows or is partly blocked during sleep, raises risks of cardiovascular disease, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension and it's a red flag for obstructive sleep apnea (SOA). About 37 million Americans regularly make grunting, whistling, choking, snorting and/or buzz-saw-like sounds; 34 percent of men and 19 percent of women, who routinely snore, have SOA. As of today there is no certain treatment that can completely stop snoring.
  247. People who work rotating shifts have a 42% increased risk for type 2 diabetes.
  248. About 90% of people who suffer from type 2 diabetes are either overweight or obese. Bariatric surgery (gastric surgery), a surgical procedure, is one of treatments for type 2 diabetes at the same time it effectively helps the patient to lose weight.
  249. Good-looking people are generally happier and have higher incomes than less attractive people; they also often marry people who are better looking and have higher paid jobs.
  250. We need only 2,350 calories per day for a healthy diet.
  251. Cutting back on calories from sugary beverages -- by only one serving per day -- accounted for nearly two-and-a-half pounds of lost weight over 18 months.
  252. The world record holder for giving the longest political speech is the Cuban President Fidel Castro, 32 hours 21 minutes and 15 seconds, in front of 345,821 people.
  253. Indonesia's heaviest-ever newborn came into the world on 9/25/09 at a record 19.2 pounds (8.7 kilograms), 62 centimeters long.
  254. Asians (52 percent) watch TV less before going to bed than whites (64 percent), blacks (75 percent) or Hispanics (72 percent).
  255. Too much TV watching could mean a shorter lifespan. People watching 4 or more hours of TV a day were more likely to die earlier than those who watched less than 2 hours a day.
  256. The men who watched TV over 20 hours a week often have almost half the sperm concentration as the men who did not watch TV.
  257. Spending more time in the real world and less bonding with TV and cell phone will result in increasing school grade-point-average, which leads to a stable career.
  258. Among American women with advanced degrees, in 2008, 24 percent in their early 40s were childless; in 1994, 31% were. For women with less than a high school diploma, in 2008, 15 percent of that group was childless; in 1994, that figure was 9 percent. In 2008 the number of women without biological children is 1.9 million, compared with 580,000 in 1976.
  259. People who have big families (more than two children) appear to be at increased risk of heart disease; the risks were also higher for those people who had just one child, or who remained childless. Mothers of more than two children were also more likely to have evidence of insulin resistance, elevated blood sugar and diabetes.
  260. Gambling addiction triggers the same brain areas as drug and alcohol cravings. Gambling addiction can have a devastating effect not just on patients, but also their families. It can result in people losing their job, and leave families and children homeless. The most commonly reported problematic forms of gambling among the patients were electronic roulette and sports gambling.
  261. A dad with symptoms of depression was twice as likely to have an infant who cried excessively as was a dad who was not depressed.
  262. Sex can indeed trigger heart attacks in some people, especially men, the odds of literally succumbing to passion are very low - less than 1%.
  263. The men who did exercise 15 hours or more a week often have a significantly higher sperm concentration than those who worked out less than 5 hours a week.
  264. About 20 percent of people who committed suicide were alcohol abusers
  265. American attempt suicide an estimated 1 million time annually, and women are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide. For every 13 minutes one American dies by suicide, over 40,000 people die by suicide every year. For every woman who dies by suicide, four men die by suicide, but women are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide. 90% of Americans who die by suicide had a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.; 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10 to 24, and 5th leading cause of death for age 45 to 59. Firearms were the most common method of death by suicide, accounting for 51% of all suicide deaths, followed by suffocation (including hangings) at 25% and poisoning at 17%.

Drugs, Herbs & Supplements
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9 |

Healthy Weight Ranges for Men & Women
Height Weight (in lbs) Height Weight (in lbs) Height Weight (in lbs)
4'10" 91-119 4'11" 94-124 5'0" 97-128
5'1" 101-132 5'2" 104-137 5'3" 107-141
5'4" 111-146 5'5" 114-150 5'6" 118-155
5'7" 121-160 5'8" 125-164 5'9" 129-169
5'10" 132-174 5'11" 136-170 6'0" 140-184
6'1" 144-189 6'2" 148-195 6'3" 152-200
6'4" 156-205 6'5" 160-211 6'6" 164-216

News, Outlook, Info & Tips
▷ Health & Beauty Discussion Forum
Discussion Forum .

▷ Health & Beauty: News, Info & Facts
  1. Get Ready for a Catastrophic Four Years for Public Health
  2. Global Immunization Efforts Have Saved at least 154 Million Lives over the Past 50 Years
  3. The Disinformation Dozen (Twelve Anti-vaxxers)
  4. Starting to Think About Mental Health
  5. Caring for Your Mental Health
  6. An Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illness
  7. An Introduction to Mental Health Problems
  8. Introducing “Beauty and Health"
  9. Investing in Mental Health
  10. Promoting Mental Health
  11. Mental Health and Psychosocial Technical Note
  12. Mental Health of Older Adults
  13. Mental Health Disorder Statistics
  14. Mental Health By the Numbers
  15. Mental Health of Children and Parents — A Strong Connection
  16. Mental Health and Your Child or Teen ...
  17. Mental Health Resources for Parents of Adolescents and Young Adults
  18. Mental Health Stigma: Personal and Cultural Impacts on Attitudes
  19. High School Student Mental Health Strategies
  20. Teen Mental Health for Parents
  21. Teen Mental Health Causes and Dangers
  22. Children and Young People Mental Health in the Digital Age
  23. Holistic Treatment for Mental Health
  24. Embroidery for Mental Health
  25. Behavioral Health vs. Mental Health: Breaking Down the Differences
  26. Art Therapy in Mental Health
  27. Art and Mental Health: Art Therapy, Benefits and Examples
  28. Arts in Healthcare
  29. Arts for Health and Wellbeing
  30. Is Art a Medium to Portray Your Inner Feelings?
  31. Positive Effects of Art Therapy for Women and Children from Backgrounds of Domestic Violence
  32. Nutrition and Nutritional Supplementation: Impact on Skin Health and Beauty
  33. The Ultimate Beauty Routine Checklist
  34. Beauty Perception: A Historical and Contemporary Review
  35. Beauty and Culture: The Effects of Beauty Perception on Cultural Assimilation
  36. Cosmeceuticals: The New Medicine of Beauty
  37. Growing Old in America: Expectations vs. Reality
  38. The Psychology of Expectations
  39. Connecting the Brain to the Rest of the Body
  40. Importance of Healthy Life Style in Healthy Living
  41. The Importance of a Life Course Approach to Health
  42. Taking Medicines Safely as You Age
  43. Premature Aging: Is Your Body Aging Faster than It Should Be?
  44. Growing Stronger - Strength Training for Older Adults.
  45. Climate Change and the Health of Older Adults
  46. The Benefit of Arts and Crafts for Mental Health
  47. The Benefits of Music & Music Education (200+ Studies)
  48. The Benefits of Listening to Music
  49. The Benefits of Music and Movement
  50. The Benefits of Music and the Science Behind It
  51. The Benefits of Music for the Brain
  52. Music as Medicine | Harvard Medical School
  53. Music as Medicine | American Psychological Association
  54. Music and Health | Harvard Health
  55. Music & Health Benefits
  56. Music and Health Care
  57. Music Can Boost Memory and Mood
  58. Music, Health, and Well-being: A Review
  59. Music, Health, and Wellbeing
  60. Music Therapy: A Useful Therapeutic Tool for Health, Physical and Mental Growth
  61. Music and Mindfulness for Stress Reduction
  62. Music and the Brain | Cambridge University
  63. Music and the Brain
  64. Music to Your Brain | Harvard Health
  65. Keep Your Brain Young with Music | Johns Hopkins Medicine
  66. The Powerful Effect of Music on the Brain
  67. The Power of Music to Reduce Stress
  68. The Power of Music for Health
  69. The Surprising Psychological Benefits of Music
  70. The Surprising Ways Music Benefits Your Brain and Body
  71. Your Brain on Music
  72. Brain Research Shows the Arts Promote Mental Health
  73. The Psychological Functions of Music Listening
  74. The Effect of Music on the Human Body and Mind
  75. Is Listening to Music Good for Your Health?
  76. Changing Your Habits: Steps to Better Health
  77. Staying Healthy | Harvard Health
  78. The Health Dangers of Arsenic Toxicity.
  79. The Health Benefits of Music
  80. Health Benefits of Music Therapy
  81. Health Benefits of Dairy
  82. Health & Wellness: Nutrition, Fitness, Diet, Relationships & More
  83. Health and Wellness Trends
  84. Health in America Today.
  85. Health Concerns About Dairy
  86. Health Disparities Align With Dirty Air
  87. Health Effects of Tattoos
  88. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
  89. Healthy Habits for Life!
  90. Healthy Diet Costs $550 More Per Year Than Unhealthy One
  91. Healthy Aging: Preserving Your Bones and Joints.
  92. Holiday Healthy Eating and Exercise
  93. The Effect of Mindfulness - Based Music Listening
  94. Mindfulness and Weight Loss
  95. Discrimination, Harassment, Abuse and Bullying in the Workplace: Contribution of Workplace Injustice to Occupational Health Disparities
  96. Identifying and Preventing Workplace Bullying
  97. The Abetting Bully: Vicarious Bullying and Unethical Leadership in Higher Education
  98. Dealing with a Manipulative Person? Grey Rocking May Help
  99. Dealing with Peer Pressure | Bluecrest Recovery Center
  100. Dealing with Peer Pressure | Research Gate
  101. Dealing with Peer Pressure
  102. Dealing with Depression
  103. The Impact of Population Aging and Public Health.
  104. The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  105. The Impact of Bedtime Technology Use on Sleep Quality and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adults
  106. Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health
  107. Social Media and Mental Health
  108. Social Media and Mental Health: Benefits, Risks, and Opportunities for Research and Practice
  109. The Social Dilemma: Social Media and Your Mental Health
  110. Sample Social Media Content
  111. Online Creators Are De Facto Therapists for Millions. It’s Complicated
  112. The Gray Rock Method of Dealing with a Narcissist When No Contact Isn’t an Option
  113. Exploring Healthcare & Technology Business.
  114. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.
  115. Living Better.
  116. Prevention.
  117. Mortality and Causes of Death.
  118. Mortality in the United States
  119. World Population to 2300.
  120. Mold, Mildew and Health
  121. Black Mold Exposure: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention
  122. Keep Yourself Calm and Positive Through Embracing Nature
  123. Peace an Important Piece of Health
  124. The Complex Link Between Homelessness and Mental Health
  125. Homelessness and Mental Illness: A Challenge to Our Society
  126. Importance of Healthy Life Style in Healthy Living
  127. Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
  128. Lupe Hernandez and the Invention of Hand Sanitizer
  129. Journal Therapy for Self-Healing
  130. The Enduring Connection Between Art and Mental Health
  131. Masks and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  132. The Ethics of Mask-Wearing During the Coronavirus Pandemic
  133. The Long-Term Effects Coronavirus May Have on the Body
  134. Treatment of Long COVID or Post COVID Syndrome: A Pharmacological Approach
  135. Are You Too Hard on Yourself?
  136. Associations of Resistance Exercise with Cardiovascular Disease Morbidity and Mortality
  137. Dietary Factors and Deaths from Disease
  138. Medicinal Uses of Carica Papaya
  139. Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Carica Papaya
  140. Identification and Extraction of Papain Enzyme from Papaya Leaf in Adigrat Towen, Northern Ethiopia
  141. Leaf Juice of Carica Papaya L: A Remedy of Dengue Fever
  142. Use of Papaya Leaf Extract in Neonatal Thrombocytopenia
  143. Safety Assessment of Carica Papaya (Papaya) - Derived Ingredients as Used in Cosmetics
  144. Determinants of Health
  145. The Problem with United Healthcare's Plan to Crack down on ER Use
  146. Calcium and Health
  147. Dairy: Health Food or Health Risk? | Harvard Health
  148. Effects of Dairy Products Consumption on Health
  149. Cholesterol Lowering Jab to Help Prevent Heart Disease.
  150. Can the Moon Really Influence Your Health?
  151. Can Wearing ‘Well Fashion’ Really Improve Your Health?
  152. Stories from the Frontlines
  153. Obesity in Developing Countries.
  154. Worst Habits for Belly Fat
  155. The Worst Habits For Belly Fat, According to Science.
  156. Types of Belly Fat and How to Lose Them
  157. 'World's Heaviest Woman' Dies
  158. Gluten-Free Isn’t Just a Fad
  159. Mold 101 Effects on Human Health
  160. Wake Up, People: You're Fooling Yourself About Sleep.
  161. The Path to a Healthy Heart.
  162. Mild Head Injury Can Affect Your Sense of Smell.
  163. The Different Stages of Losing Weight: Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss
  164. Weight Loss Drug May Prevent and Treat Diabetes.
  165. Breast Cancer: Omega-3-Rich Diet May Stop Tumors from Spreading.
  166. Seed Oils Are Better for Cholesterol than Olive Oil.
  167. Products for Black Women May Disrupt Hormones.
  168. Beyond Yoga: 4 Other Ways to Get Zen.
  169. Anxious? Distressed? You're Not Alone.
  170. Mid-life Stress Linked to Dementia Risk.
  171. Mammography Screening Questioned.
  172. Coenzyme Q10 | Mayo Clinic
  173. Can Statins Cut the Benefits of Exercise?
  174. Do Statins Increase the Risk of Dementia?
  175. Love Your Heart: Take Steps to Reduce Heart Risks
  176. Genetics Help Predict Heart Disease Risk, Statin Benefits
  177. The Psychiatric Potential of Statins
  178. Ovarian Cancer: Statins Might Be Effective With Diet Control.
  179. Can Statins Cause Brain Fog?
  180. Statins Side Effects
  181. Skinny Jeans Given Health Warning.
  182. Snoring May be Benign, or It May be a Sign of a Serious Problem.
  183. Belly Fat 101: The Most Common Causes of a Flabby Stomach.
  184. Belly-Fat Myths.
  185. Belly Fat: Reasons You're Not Losing Weight.
  186. Belly Fat Linked to Early Death, Study Finds.
  187. Popular Foods Proven to Cause Lasting Belly Fat.
  188. The Dangers of Deep Belly Fat.
  189. Can Belly Fat Cause Cancer?.
  190. Taking Aim at Belly Fat.
  191. The Skinny on Visceral Fat.
  192. Tall, Obese People More Prone to Blood Clots.
  193. Taller People Have Higher Cancer Risk.
  194. The Coming Revolution in Much Cheaper Life-Saving Drugs.
  195. People With Eczema Are Itching for Better Health Care.
  196. Menstruation in Space Flight: Options for Astronauts.
  197. Yes, It Is Possible to Get Your Flu Shot Too Soon.
  198. State Suicide Rates Among Adolescents and Young Adults Aged 10–24 in the United States, 2000–2018
  199. An Aspirin a Day May Not Be Necessary for Everyone's Heart Health.
  200. Could a Genetic Test Predict the Risk for Suicide?
  201. PSA Screening Significantly Reduces the Risk for Death from Prostate Cancer.
  202. Can Frequent, Moderate Drinking Ward off Diabetes?.
  203. The Alienation of America’s Best Doctors.
  204. Popular Heartburn Drugs Don't Raise Risk of Alzheimer's.
  205. Big Gap in Cancer Deaths Between Rich, Poor Countries.
  206. Diesel Exhaust and Cancer Risk.
  207. The Sleep Habits of Millionaires
  208. A Good Night's Sleep
  209. Poor Sleep? Bigger Waist.
  210. Aging and Sleep.
  211. Aging and Sleep - Making Changes for Brain Health | Harvard.
  212. Aging Changes in Sleep.
  213. Sleep and Aging - A Handbook for Seniors and Caregivers.
  214. Sleep Disorders and Problems
  215. Sleep and Eating Disorders
  216. Sleep, Sleepiness, and Alcohol Use
  217. Sleep and Health
  218. Sleep Deficiency in Midlife: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
  219. Sleep Therapy - An Overview
  220. Sleep Statistics - Facts and Data About Sleep
  221. Sleepless Nights, Unhealthy Hearts?.
  222. Sleepless Nights Could Pose Heart Risk Dangers.
  223. The Sleep Gap: Diving Deeper Into the Inequality Surrounding Sleep
  224. The Racial Inequality of Sleep
  225. The Inequality of Sleep
  226. Cannot Sleep Due to Stress? Here Is the Cure.
  227. Lack of Sleep Compounds Health Problems for Obese Teens.
  228. Is Sleeping Too Much Bad for Your Brain?.
  229. Are You Sleep Deprived, or Do You Have Narcolepsy?
  230. Do Weighted Blankets Help with Insomnia?
  231. Caffeine Consumption, Insomnia, and Sleep Duration: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample
  232. Problems Associated with Short Sleep: Bridging the Gap
  233. Treatments for Insomnia
  234. Technology & Insomnia: Is Your Cell Phone Preventing You from Sleeping Well?
  235. Insomnia in Neurological Disorders: Prevalence, Mechanisms, Impact and Treatment Approaches
  236. Insomnia: Definition, Prevalence, Etiology, and Consequences
  237. Insomnia: Prevalence, Consequences and Effective Treatment
  238. Insomnia Myths and Facts
  239. Insomnia Treatment: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Instead of Sleeping Pills
  240. Red Light Therapy for Sleep: The Safe and Natural Way to Better Rest
  241. Red Light Therapy for Sleep: A Science-Backed Method
  242. Positional Therapy for Snoring and Sleep Apnea
  243. Managing Your Weight with Gestational Diabetes
  244. Can You Learn in Your Sleep?
  245. Lack of Sleep May Raise Child's Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study
  246. Poor Sleep May Contribute to Health Disparities.
  247. A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep.
  248. A Better Night's Sleep
  249. Diabetes and Sleep
  250. The Physical Effects of Stress | Ohio University
  251. The Relationship Between Gut Health and Anxiety
  252. Gut Health and Allergies
  253. Effects of Anxiety on the Body
  254. Top Problems in Your Mouth
  255. Death Anxiety - The Worm at the Core of Mental Health
  256. The Impact of Stress on Your Gut | Harvard Health
  257. The Gut-Brain Connection | Harvard Health
  258. Gut Health and Anxiety: The Truth Behind “Gut Feelings”
  259. Does Gut Health Affect Anxiety?
  260. Anxiety, Depression, and the Microbiome: A Role for Gut Peptides
  261. Anxiety May Be Affecting Your Gut Health — and Vice Versa.
  262. Anxiety, Depression and Gut Health: It’s Not All in Your Head
  263. Physical Fitness May Help Prevent Depression, Anxiety
  264. Too Much TV May Cost You Your Mobility.
  265. The Cost of Diabetes
  266. Is Passive Smoking Harmful?
  267. Smoking and Pregnancy
  268. FDA Proposes Reducing Nicotine in Cigarettes.
  269. "Reaching Toward the Fountain of Youth.
  270. Is Aluminum Safe to Use?
  271. Natural Living – A Little Bit of All of It.
  272. Chinese Medicine Plant Secrets Probed.
  273. Ecological Predictors and Trajectory of Internet
  274. The Best Protein Shake for Health and Strength.
  275. The Best Diet for Healthy, Clear Skin
  276. Best Teeth Whitening Toothpastes.
  277. Best U.S. States to Live — in 2032.
  278. Best and Worst U.S. Cities for an Active Lifestyle.
  279. Best & Worst Cities for People with Disabilities.
  280. Best & Worst U.S. Cities for Wallet Wellness
  281. Fat, Protein & Cholesterol Intake for Diabetics
  282. Study Links High Cholesterol to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer.
  283. Do Statins Really Age You Faster?.
  284. Diabetes and Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure
  285. Natural Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol
  286. Living With Type 1 Diabetes – A Forgotten Disease.
  287. Fathoming the Calorie.
  288. Dehydration: Care Instructions.
  289. Electronic Cigarettes Can Harm The Lungs
  290. Preventing Kidney Stones
  291. Effective Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones
  292. China's Latest Online Skinny Fad Sparks Concern
  293. Getting in Touch with Your Inner Digestive Detective.
  294. Florida County Bans Smokers from New Jobs.
  295. Charles Eugster: The World's Fittest Pensioner?
  296. Charles Eugster: My Body Was a Mess
  297. The Most Influential Green Living Bloggers.
  298. This Toothbrush Costs $4,000, and It Doesn't Really Do Anything Special.
  299. Krill Oil Is Being Studied as a Natural Remedy for High Cholesterol.
  300. Rare Undersea Discovery Could Extend Your Life by 10, 20 or 30 Years.
  301. The Truth About Tooth Whiteners.
  302. Canker Sore Drug Helps Mice Lose Weight Without Diet, Exercise.
  303. Are Your Cold or Flu Symptoms Bad Enough to Stay Home?.
  304. World AIDS Day: China’s Strange Prejudice Against AIDS Patients.
  305. Fluoride: Daily Exposure to Poison.
  306. Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Sexual Dysfunction: A Review
  307. U.S. News: Health Care:
  308. ‘The Pill’ Not Tied to Birth Defects
  309. Gain Weight Safely During Your Pregnancy
  310. Safely Losing Weight While Pregnant
  311. Can I Safely Lose Weight During Pregnancy?
  312. Dental Care in Pregnancy.
  313. Staying Healthy During Pregnancy (for Parents).
  314. Medical Care During Pregnancy (for Parents).
  315. Pregnancy Timeline: Fetal Development Week-by-Week
  316. Caring for Your Baby
  317. Newborn Baby Essentials
  318. Transform Your Child’s Confidence.
  319. 1 in 5 Kids Have Mental Illness.
  320. 4 Ways Music Strengthens Social Bonds
  321. 4 Keys to Getting Shredded After 50.
  322. 4 Common Pregnancy Skin Care Problems, and How to Solve Them.
  323. 4 Artists Who Suffered Mental Illness (and How It Affected Their Art)
  324. 5 Positive Effects of Art on Mental Health
  325. 5 Great Mental Health Benefits of Art
  326. 5 Contemporary Artists Exploring Mental Health
  327. 5 Regrets of the Dying.
  328. 5 Ways Music Can Make You Healthier.
  329. 5 Novel Ways to Curb Your Appetite.
  330. 5 Common Culprits of Stomach Bloating and Healthy Alternatives.
  331. 5 Benefits of Healthy Relationships.
  332. 5 Things We Learned from Anthony Fauci's Emails.
  333. 6 Red Flags About Mental-Health Content on Social Media
  334. 6 Ways Social Media Impacts Your Mental Health
  335. 6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health
  336. 6 Ways to Prevent Crow's Feet.
  337. 6 Ways to Improve Your Health.
  338. 6 Healthy Dental Habits Young Adults Should Remember
  339. 7 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health
  340. 7 Benefits of Listening to Music for Your Mind & Mood
  341. 7 Low-Stress Ways to Start Decluttering
  342. 7 Habits for a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body.
  343. 7 Amazing Ways Music Can Benefit Your Health.
  344. 7 Lactose Intolerance Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore.
  345. 8 Artworks Inspired by Mental Health Problems
  346. 8 Health Effects of Poor Dental Hygiene that Extend Beyond Your Mouth
  347. 8 Fascinating Facts About Heartburn.
  348. 8 Steps to Take Today for Healthy Living.
  349. 8 Dimensions of Wellness.
  350. 9 Scientifically Proven Prescriptions for Peace of Mind.
  351. 9 Steps to Perfect Health
  352. 9 Health Benefits of Music
  353. 10 Health Benefits of Music
  354. 10 Benefits of Wellness Programs in the Workplace
  355. 10 Positive Benefits of Listening to Music
  356. 10 Art Masterpieces to Calm Your Anxiety
  357. 10 Best Diabetes Blogs.
  358. 10 Best Places to Retire.
  359. 10 Best Walking Canes for Seniors
  360. 10 Ways to Stay Healthy.
  361. 10 Ways to Stay Sane & Active While Social Distancing
  362. 10 Habits for Good Health
  363. 10 More Trees on Your Street Could Make You Feel 7 Years Younger.
  364. 10 Lies You Believe About Fat
  365. 10 Great Make-Ahead Foods to Save you Money.
  366. 10 Questions Some Doctors Are Afraid to Ask.
  367. 10 Warning Signs of Dehydration to Watch out for.
  368. 11 Best Practices for Healthy Teeth.
  369. 11 Practical Ways to Have a Healthy Lifestyle.
  370. 11 Surprising Health Benefits of Sleep.
  371. 12 Little Things That Can Happen to Your Body After Just 15 Minutes of Meditation.
  372. 12 Signs You May Have an Anxiety Disorder.
  373. 12 Steps to a Healthy Pregnancy
  374. 12 Ways to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy
  375. 13 Fun Sports That Burn Calories
  376. 13 Weight Loss Programs for Women That Actually Work
  377. 13 Ways to Enjoy Your Life Without Spending a Lot of Money.
  378. 13 Things Lottery Winners Won’t Tell You.
  379. 13 Simple Ways to Find It in Your Life
  380. 14 Ways to Lower Your Insulin Levels.
  381. 14 Everyday Habits That Could (and Should) Change Forever After Coronavirus
  382. 15 Surprising Benefits of Visiting the Dentist.
  383. 15 Amazing Benefits of Listening to Music.
  384. 15 Ways to Calm Yourself Down.
  385. 16 Ways to Stay Healthy All Year Round.
  386. 20 Surprising, Science-backed Health Benefits of Music.
  387. 20 Easy Ways to Stay Young.
  388. 20 Best Clean Living and Toxin Free Blogs
  389. 20 Health Benefits of Papaya Leaves
  390. 21 Worst Habits for Belly Fat
  391. 25 Burning Health Questions.
  392. 30 Ways to Lose Belly Fat.
  393. 30 Tricks to Survive Hot Summer Nights (Without AC)
  394. 34 Natural Healthy Living Blogs You Should Really Check Out
  395. 40 DIY Projects for Natural Living.
  396. 88 Quick Health Facts: Food, Fitness, Hydration, Random (Fun!)
  397. 100 Healthy Mom Blogs to Bring a Healthy Lifestyle.
  398. 100 Top Health Blogs
  399. 100 Health Quotes to Inspire You to Stay in Good Shape
▷ Nutrition - Healthy Eating & Drinking
  1. Health Benefits of Coffee and Tea
  2. Health Benefits of Tea Drinking
  3. Health Benefits of Tea Consumption
  4. Health Benefits Linked to Drinking Tea | Harvard Health
  5. Health Benefits of Red Wine vs. Grape Juice.
  6. Health Benefits of Walnuts | Harvard Health
  7. Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables.
  8. Health Benefits of Fruit.
  9. Health Benefits of Fruit: Vitamins, Minerals + Fiber.
  10. Health Benefits of Mint Leaves.
  11. Health Benefits of Garlic.
  12. Healthy Drinks
  13. Healthy Drinks for Summer.
  14. Healthy Eating | Nutrition.gov
  15. Healthy Food to Support Healthy Life
  16. Healthy Habits Can Lengthen Life
  17. Healthy Eating as You Age: Food Groups
  18. Harvard's Nutrition Source.
  19. Nutrition and Healthy Eating, Tools & Resources
  20. Types of Malnutrition
  21. Most Common Nutritional Deficiencies
  22. Debunking the Myth of Food Combining.
  23. Modern Diet and Its Impact on Human Health
  24. The Role of Food and Your Health: Cholesterol and Blood Sugar
  25. Anti-Aging Foods That Help You Live Longer
  26. Social Influences on Eating
  27. Find Your Foodprint
  28. Diet Study Suggests It's Carbs, Not Fats, That Are Bad for You
  29. Climate Change Food Calculator
  30. The Truth About Carbs
  31. Low Fat? Low Carb? | Harvard
  32. Low Fat, Low Carb, or Mediterranean | Harvard
  33. Low Carb vs. Low Fat Diets.
  34. A Low-Carb Meal Plan and Menu to Improve Your Health
  35. A Need for Bananas? Dietary Potassium Regulates Calcification of Arteries.
  36. Can Eating Too Much Fruit Cause Type 2 Diabetes?.
  37. Can You Eat Fruit With Diabetes?
  38. Can Talcum Powder Really Cause Cancer?.
  39. Eat Low Food Carbon
  40. Eat Your Way to Fabulous Skin
  41. Eating Meat Linked to Higher Risk of Diabetes.
  42. Eating for Longevity: Foods for a Long, Healthy Life
  43. Eating for Beauty.
  44. Eating Fast Food Hurts Women's Chances of Getting Pregnant, Increases Infertility.
  45. Eating Right Helps Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Women.
  46. Eating Polyunsaturated Fats Linked to Slowing Diabetes Progress for Some
  47. Eating Well as You Age.
  48. Eating Raw Organic Produce Can Give Your Gut a Healthy Boost.
  49. Eating a Plant-based Diet Might Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes.
  50. Eating Food That’s Better for You, Organic or Not.
  51. Eating for Longevity: Foods for a Long, Healthy Life
  52. Eating Peanut Butter May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer
  53. Eating Peanut Early Reduces Risk of Allergy Even with Later Abstinence.
  54. Eating Walnuts May Extend your Life
  55. Every Year Roughly One of Every Six Americans Gets Sick from Food Poisoning.
  56. Nutrition Glossary.
  57. Bulimia Nervosa vs Weight Gain
  58. Bulimia vs Binge Eating - Differences Between Eating Disorders
  59. Superfood Secrets for a Healthy Life
  60. Beef 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects
  61. Should Pregnant Women Eat More Tuna?.
  62. Hot Dogs Health Risks: May cause Cancer, Leukemia & Diabetes
  63. Processed and Red Meat Could Cause Cancer?.
  64. Processed Foods Linked to Shorter Life Span
  65. Replacing 'Beef with Chicken' Could Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
  66. Meal Timing and Frequency of Meals and Snacks for Optimal Health
  67. Meals for Diabetics With High Cholesterol
  68. Is Red Meat Bad for Your Heart … or Not?
  69. Is Eating Red Meat Bad for Your Health?.
  70. Is Eating Steak Good for Health?
  71. Steak and Calories - Steak Nutritional Facts
  72. Earth Day: To Meat or Not to Meat.
  73. A Nation of Meat Eaters: See How It All Adds Up.
  74. Vegetables for Diabetics to Avoid
  75. Natural Living Resources for Eating Healthy and Good Nutrition.
  76. Diet and Oral Health
  77. A Diet your Dentist Will Love: Foods to Help Keep a Healthy Smile
  78. Food Carbon Emissions Calculator
  79. Foods You Should Eat to Live Longer
  80. Foods That Cause Bloating.
  81. Foods That Fight Cancer
  82. Foods that Beat the Heat.
  83. Foods Can Fix Your Health Problems.
  84. Foods to Avoid to Lose Belly Fat.
  85. Mango Butter Benefits & Uses for Luxurious Hair and Skin
  86. Get the Health Benefits of Fruit.
  87. Strategies to Promote Healthy Eating Among University Students: A Qualitative Study Using the Nominal Group Technique
  88. Fruit Face Packs for Flawless Skin.
  89. Fruit Nutrition Facts and the Health Benefits of Fruits.
  90. Fruits Health Benefits.
  91. Fruits and Vegetables for Amazing Energy and Health.
  92. Are Bananas Good for You?
  93. Corns and Calluses Facts
  94. Can Chocolate Give You Youthful Skin?
  95. Changing Your Diet May Help You Live up to 10 Years Longer
  96. Changing Your Diet Could Add up to 13 Years to Your Life, Study Says
  97. At Any Age, a Healthy Diet Can Extend Your Life
  98. Should You Take Folic Acid for Your Heart?.
  99. Study: Walnuts Support Lifelong, Heart-Healthy Eating
  100. Walnuts: A Worthy Addition to Your Daily Diet?
  101. Walnut Consumption Early on in Life May Lead to Better Health as We Age
  102. Secret to a Long, Healthy, Fit Life - Is a Handful of Walnuts Every Day?
  103. Is Peanut Butter Healthy?.
  104. Peanut Butter Helps Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease.
  105. Shea Butter Benefits and Uses for Hair, Skin & More
  106. Giving Allergenic Foods to Infants from 3 Months May Prevent Allergies.
  107. Pregnancy Diet: Foods to Eat While Pregnant
  108. Blueberry Concentrate Improves Brain Function.
  109. Add These Superfoods to Your Diet for a Long and Healthy Life
  110. Goat, Beer and Weed Yoga: Threats to the Traditional Practice?.
  111. Paleolithic Diet
  112. Paleo Diet 101
  113. Is the Paleo Diet Safe for Your Health?
  114. Caffeine, Food, Alcohol, Smoking and Sleep
  115. French Fries Cause Cancer'?
  116. Cookies, Apples or Yogurt? Not Always a Simple Choice for Kids.
  117. Best Green Tea for Weight Loss.
  118. The Best Teas to Drink for Your Health
  119. The Best Tea for Gut Health
  120. The Best Snack Bars for Dieters.
  121. The Best and Worst Vegetables for People with Diabetes
  122. The Best Fruits for People With Diabetes — and the Worst
  123. Artificial Sweeteners: Good or Bad?
  124. Artificial Sweeteners Can Change Your Gut Bacteria
  125. Artificial Sweeteners and Ulcerative Colit
  126. Artificial Sweeteners and Other Sugar Substitutes
  127. Artificial Sweeteners and other Sugar Substitutes.
  128. Common Artificial Sweeteners Can Lead to Serious Health Issues
  129. Sweetened Beverages, Coffee, and Tea and Depression Risk Among Older US Adults
  130. Get the Facts: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Consumption
  131. 'Blueberries’ Impact on Insulin Resistance and Glucose Intolerance.
  132. Are We Sugar Crazy?.
  133. Added Sugars.
  134. Sugar Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Risk.
  135. Sugars: The Facts
  136. Sugar and Heart Disease in 'Healthy People'
  137. Sugary Drinks
  138. The Sweet Danger of Sugar
  139. Coconut Oil 'As Unhealthy As Beef Fat and Butter'.
  140. Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil Can Transform Your Dental Health
  141. The Big Benefits of Plain Water
  142. Hard Water and Soft Water: Differences and Advantages
  143. Is Hard Water Dangerous to Drink?
  144. Potential Health Impacts of Hard Water
  145. Hardness of Water
  146. The Earliest Signs You're Drinking Too Much Water
  147. Could a Chinese Herb Stop You Drinking Too Much?.
  148. Water & Nutrition
  149. Water, Hydration and Health
  150. Water Sanitation and Health
  151. Water Quality Report.
  152. Water Quality:
  153. Water Intake, Water Balance, and the Elusive Daily Water Requirement
  154. Is Sparkling Water Good or Bad for You?
  155. Are Sparkling Water Drinks or Hard Seltzers Bad for You?
  156. Drinking-Water
  157. Drinking Water Test Kits - Testing Evaluation Program.
  158. Drinking Coffee Can Cut the Risk of Cancer.
  159. Drinking Tea and Your Cholesterol Levels
  160. Carica Papaya: Papaya and Biology of the Papaya Plant
  161. Study Links Coffee to Lower Liver Cancer Risk.
  162. Black Coffee Can Be Good for Your Heart
  163. Can Coffee Lower Cancer Risk?.
  164. Coffee and Cancer Risk: A Summary Overview.
  165. Coffee and Cancer: What Does the Evidence Say?.
  166. Coffee, Caffeine, and Cancer: What the Research Reveals.
  167. Coffee Consumption Decreases the Connectivity of the Posterior Default Mode Network (DMN) at Rest
  168. Coffee Consumption May Reduce Certain Breast Cancer Risks.
  169. Coffee Good for You, But It's Ok to Hold Back.
  170. Coffee, Health and Longevity
  171. Coffee for Health - Positive and Negative Effects of Caffeine
  172. Coffee vs. Tea: Is One Healthier Than the Other?
  173. Coffee vs. Tea Smackdown
  174. Coffee vs Tea - Difference and Comparison
  175. Coffee and Cholesterol: Is There a Link?
  176. Coffee - Good or Bad?
  177. Is Coffee Good for You or Not? | heart.org
  178. Is Coffee Good for You or Not?
  179. Is Coffee Good for You? | The New York Times
  180. Is Coffee Good for You? | Consumer Reports
  181. Is Coffee Good for You? - 12 Benefits of Coffee Explained.
  182. Is Coffee Good or Bad for Your Health? | Harvard
  183. Is Coffee Soda Good for You?
  184. Is It Better to Drink Coffee or Tea First Thing in the Morning?
  185. High Coffee Intake May Help Against Prostate Cancer.
  186. Limit Coffee-Drinking to This Time wWindow to Lower Early Death Risk, Study Suggests
  187. Scientists Have Found a Curious Link Between Coffee and Cholesterol
  188. Carcinogen Found in 95% of Coffee Samples Tested by Hong Kong Watchdog
  189. Hong Kong Consumer Council Finds Cancer-Causing Substance in 95% of Coffee Samples
  190. The Occurrence of Ochratoxin A in Coffee
  191. Regular Tea Drinking Linked to Better Heart Health
  192. Regular Coffee or Decaf - Drinking Both May Benefit the Liver
  193. The Different Types of Coffee — From Healthiest to Least Healthy
  194. Caffeine in Coffee vs. Tea: Is There Any Real Difference?
  195. Tea vs. Coffee: Longevity Benefits & When to Choose Each
  196. Tea or Coffee? A Case Study on Evidence for Dietary Advice
  197. Let's Settle This—Is Coffee Healthier Than Tea, or Is It the Other Way Around? Nutritionists Explain
  198. The Hidden Health Benefits of Tea
  199. Molecular Evidences of Health Benefits of Drinking Black Tea
  200. Types of Teas and Their Health Benefits
  201. Is Lemon Tea Good for You?
  202. Is Sweet Tea Good for You?
  203. Is Tea Better Than Coffee? 9 Benefits of Tea Over Coffee
  204. Is Caffeine from Tea Less Likely to Make Me Jittery than Coffee? An RD Weighs in
  205. The Role of Tea in Human Health: An Update
  206. Tea and Health | Lipton
  207. Tea and Health
  208. Tea and Health: Preventive and Therapeutic Usefulness in the Elderly?
  209. Tea Up for Good Health
  210. Teas You Should Be Drinking and Teas You Shouldn't
  211. Black Tea and Health
  212. Persimmon (Diospyros Kaki) Fruit: Hidden Phytochemicals and Health Claims
  213. An Understanding of Milk Benefits
  214. Milk, Dairy Products, and Their Functional Effects in Humans
  215. Milk and Dairy Products: Good or Bad for Human Health?
  216. Is Milk Good or Bad for You?
  217. Health Effects of Cow’s Milk Consumption in Infants up to 3 Years of Age
  218. Are Colas/Sodas Good for You?
  219. Is Club Soda Good for You?
  220. Is Soda Water and Lime Bad for You?
  221. Worst and Best Diet Soda Brands for Health
  222. Diet Soda and Sugar-Sweetened Soda Consumption in Relation to Incident Diabetes ...
  223. Soda Sweetener Aspartame Listed as Possible Cancer Cause
  224. Soda Health Facts: Are Soft Drinks Really Bad for You?
  225. Rethink Your Drink - Healthy Weight, Nutrition, and Physical Activity
  226. Are There any Side Effects from Drinking Too Much Milk?
  227. Can Drinking Too Much Milk Make Your Bones More Brittle?
  228. Is It Better to Drink Cow's Milk or a Dairy-Free Alternative? | BBC
  229. Do Adults Need to Drink Cow's Milk? Probably Not!
  230. The Scary New Science That Shows Milk Is Bad for You
  231. Pros and Cons of Soymilk
  232. The Mediterranean Diet: Does It Work?
  233. U.S. News - Best Diets:
  234. U.S. News - Best Weight-Loss Diets:
  235. 3 Reasons to Eat Turmeric.
  236. 3 Drinks that Are Good for Your Teeth - Greenspoint Dental
  237. 4 Oatmeal Nutrition Facts You Need to Know.
  238. 4 Things that Happen When You Drink Too Much Milk.
  239. 5 Foods With a Surprising Impact on Health.
  240. 5 Ways to Use Milk for Silky Smooth Skin.
  241. 5 Baking Soda Beauty Secrets. (Video)
  242. 5 Best Green Tea Brands for Weight Loss.
  243. 5 Warning Signs You're Drinking Too Much Milk.
  244. 5 Reasons Cheese Is Actually Good for Your Health
  245. 5 Reasons Your Diet Is Making You Fat.
  246. 5 Surprising Sources of Sodium.
  247. 6 Best Antioxidant-Rich Fruits to Reduce Inflammation
  248. 6 "Bad" Fruits You Should Be Eating
  249. 7 "Bad" Foods You Should Be Eating
  250. 7 Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think.
  251. 7 Foods Science Proves Will Help You Live Longer.
  252. 7 Different Foods that May Be Ruining Your Current Diet.
  253. 7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water.
  254. 8 Worst Foods for Your Teeth
  255. 8 Superfoods Diet to Stay Long and Have a Healthy Life
  256. 8 Ways to Stay Hydrated If You Hate Drinking Water
  257. 8 Best Super Foods for a Healthy, Long Life
  258. 8 Best Power Fruits for Better Health.
  259. 8 Best Green Tea Brands to Drink.
  260. 8 Fruits That Are Good for Diabetic
  261. 8 Foods That Help You Live Longer.
  262. 8 Foods for Beautiful Skin
  263. 8 Foods to Help You Lose Weight.
  264. 9 Foods That May Lengthen Your Life.
  265. 9 Foods Doctors Avoid to Eat.
  266. 9 Foods That Boost Your Calorie Burn.
  267. 9 Foods High in Magnesium
  268. 9 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water.
  269. 9 Amazing Facts About Protein Coffee and How It Can Change Your Life
  270. 9 Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Tea
  271. 9 Healthiest Fruits in the World
  272. 9 Best Coffees, According to a Dietitian
  273. 9 Fruit Types for Diabetics
  274. 10 Worst Fruits for Diabetes
  275. 10 Worst Vegetables for Diabetes & Their Alternatives
  276. 10 Healthy Fruits for Your Body | Reader's Digest.
  277. 10 Healthy Foods That Further Your Life Expectancy.
  278. 10 Reasons to Avoid Soda
  279. 10 Best Foods for Longevity.
  280. 10 Best Black Coffees
  281. 10 Best Ways to Hydrate that Don’t Involve Water.
  282. 10 Ways to Eat Well With Diabetes.
  283. 10 Simple Ways to Eat More Protein.
  284. 10 Top Fruits You Should Consume to Make Your Skin Glow.
  285. 10 Fruits and Vegetables for Glowing Skin.
  286. 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Black Tea
  287. 10 Top Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil.
  288. 10 of the Healthiest Fruits for Your Body.
  289. 11 Foods That Can Help You Look Younger.
  290. 11 Health Benefits of Eating Beef
  291. 11 Things That Might Happen to Your Body If You Switch from Coffee to Tea
  292. 12 Best Foods for Healthy Skin.
  293. 13 Health Benefits of Coffee.
  294. 13 Reasons Tea Is Good for You.
  295. 15 Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
  296. 15 Worst Foods for Your Stomach.
  297. 15 Benefits of Drinking Water and Other Water Facts.
  298. 15 Sneaky Sources of Sugar.
  299. 16 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day.
  300. 17 Best Green Tea Brand in World for Weight Loss.
  301. 20 Healthiest Fruits You Can Eat
  302. 20 Healthy Fruits That Are Super Nutritious
  303. 20 Top Fruits for Good Healthy Glowing Skin.
  304. 21 Fruits for Glowing, Youthful & Envy-Worthy Skin.
  305. 22 Benefits and Uses of Baking Soda
  306. 22 Different Types of Coffee Drinks
  307. 30 Best Anti-Aging Foods for Women.
  308. 30 Best Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums.
  309. 40 Healthy College Meals any Student Can Master
  310. 45 Healthiest Fruits Health Benefits and Nutrition.
  311. 50 Foods That Make You Look Younger.
  312. 60 Great Nutrition Slogans
  313. 70 Quick Health Facts: Food, Fitness and Hydration
▷ Beauty-Cosmetics: News, Info & Facts
  1. Beauty Industry: Cosmetic Market Share, Trends, and Statistics
  2. Beauty by the Decade: 1970s Hair and Makeup Trends
  3. Beauty or Health - A Personal View
  4. Beauty, Health & Wellness Industry Analysis
  5. Beauty Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel.
  6. Can Beauty Actually Improve Your Health?
  7. Shades for Success Influence in the Beauty Market
  8. Cosmetics and Health: Usage, Perceptions and Awareness
  9. Teenagers and Cosmetic Surgery
  10. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery
  11. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Surgery | LoreCentral
  12. Benefits and Risks of Plastic Surgery
  13. Risks & Benefits of Plastic Surgery
  14. Plastic Surgery Booming in China Despite the Dangers
  15. Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon.
  16. Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Basics ... Who Is a Good Candidate?
  17. Breast Enlargement Options
  18. Facts About Breast Implants
  19. Breast Reduction Turkey (Compare Costs, Packages, Clinics and more)
  20. Important Factors Breast Augmentation With Ideal Implant Saline Patients Should Consider| fda.gov
  21. The Earliest Evidence of Cosmetics in Egypt
  22. Rhinoplasty Surgery (Nose Job): Purpose, Procedure, Risks, Recovery
  23. Nonsurgical Nose job: Procedure, Cost, and Aftercare
  24. Nose Job in Turkey – How Safe & Cost Effective It Is?
  25. The Nonsurgical Nose Job: Everything to Know
  26. Man With World’s Longest Nose ‘At Peace’ With Super Schnoz Before Death
  27. Can You Reshape Your Nose with Exercise?
  28. Tummy Tuck Before and After Surgery (Photos)
  29. Tummy Tuck Recovery: What to Expect
  30. Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy - Is It Safe and Effective?
  31. Tummy Tuck for Obese Patients - Facts You Should Know About Tummy Tuck
  32. Tummy Tuck - Risks and Side Effects
  33. Height Reduction (Bone-Shortening) Surgery: About, Procedure, Risks
  34. Limb-Lengthening Surgery
  35. Limb-Lengthening Surgery Pros and Cons
  36. Limb-Lengthening Surgery Turkey (Know Costs, Clinics & Surgeons)
  37. Leg-Lengthening Surgery: What to Know
  38. Leg-Lengthening: The People Having Surgery to Be a Bit Taller
  39. Can Surgery Help You Get Taller?
  40. The Gruesome Surgery to Make You Taller
  41. The Pros & Cons of Limb Lengthening Surgery
  42. Sonobello: Cost for Stomach, Chin, Thighs, Face & Per Area
  43. Liposuction in India - Compare Costs, Hospitals & Doctors in 2023
  44. Liposuction: Surgery, Recovery & Results
  45. Stomach Liposuction Before & After Surgery (Photos)
  46. Natural Skin Care
  47. Henna: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews
  48. Everything You Need to Know to Start a Natural Skin Care Routine
  49. Benefits of Using Natural and Organic Skincare Products
  50. The Truth About "All Natural" Skin Care and DIY Products You Can Make at Home
  51. Red Is the Most Risky Ink Color, and Other Health Issues from Tattoos
  52. Think Before You Ink: Tattoo Safety | FDA
  53. Thinking About Getting a Tattoo? New Research Might Change Your Mind
  54. Getting a Tattoo: Everything You Need to Know and Do to Prep
  55. The Risks of Getting a Tattoo Are Rare, But Real. Here's What to Know
  56. Untangling Tattoos' Influence on Immune Response
  57. The Terrifying Trend of Eyeball Tattoos
  58. Tattoos: Understand Risks and Precautions
  59. Tattoos Affect Your Health: Long-Term Side Effects Ink Has on Your Immune System and Disease Risk
  60. Tattoos Linked to Increased Cancer Risk, Scientists Warn
  61. Tattoos: Are They Safe?
  62. Tattoos: The Road to Acceptance in Western Society
  63. Tattoo Psychology: Art or Self Destruction? Modern-Day Social Branding
  64. Tattoos & Permanent Makeup: Fact Sheet | FDA
  65. Tattoo Removal: Options and Results | FDA
  66. Reasons People Get Tattooed
  67. Your Tattoos May Hint at an Ailing Mind
  68. Relationship of Tattoos to Personality Disorders
  69. Health Standards and Recommendations for Tattooing
  70. Perception of Tattoos and Piercings in the Service Industry
  71. The Problem With Tanning (and the Myth of the Base Tan)
  72. The Risks of Tanning
  73. Teaching Teens About Skin Health and Tanning Beds
  74. The Truth About Tanning Beds
  75. Can Your Spray Tan Cause Cancer?
  76. Don’t Fall for These Five Dangerous Tanning Myths
  77. Do You Really Need a Skin Care Routine?
  78. Discovering the Link Between Nutrition and Skin Aging
  79. A Study of Factors Affecting on Men’s Skin Care Products
  80. Keep Your Skin Healthy
  81. The Sense of Beauty
  82. The Beauty Industry's Influence on Women in Society
  83. Global Beauty Care Market (2014-2018)
  84. Foods That Make You Look Younger
  85. Home Remedies to Get Rid of Unwanted Facial Hair.
  86. The World's Best Beauty Secrets.
  87. Surprising Ways to Reduce Wrinkles. (Slideshow)
  88. The Best Facial Moisturizers for Nourishing Hydration
  89. The Best Products to Moisturize Seriously Dry Skin.
  90. The Best New Way to Color Your Hair.
  91. The Best Frozen Hair and Makeup Tutorials.
  92. Benefits of Haldi for Skin.
  93. Healthy Beauty Habits Your Skin Will Love
  94. Saffron or Kesar Benefits for Beautiful Skin.
  95. Henna Benefits for Skin: Unraveling the Secrets of Lawsonia Inermis Linn
  96. Henna for Hair - Is It Safe?
  97. Disadvantages of Henna for Hair: Dye-ving into the Deets
  98. Henna for Hair: Pros, Cons, Application & Removal
  99. Help Flat Hair Live Life to Its Fullest.
  100. Your Hair Color Could Predict Your Risk of Cancer, Study Says
  101. Can Breast Cancer Patients Dye Their Hair?
  102. Hair Dyes and Cancer Risk | National Cancer Institute
  103. Hair Dyes and Cancer Risk
  104. Hair Loss: Common Causes and Treatment
  105. Hair Loss in Women: Causes, Treatment & Prevention
  106. Do Hair Dyes Cause Cancer?
  107. Do Hair Dyes Increase Cancer Risk? | Harvard Health
  108. Does Hair Dye Increase Cancer Risk? | WebMD
  109. Dangers of Hair Dye: Is This Beauty Routine Worth a Cancer Risk?
  110. Coping With Hair Loss
  111. Comprehensive Overview and Treatment Update on Hair Loss
  112. Holiday Makeup Inspiration for Every Type of Party.
  113. The Hairstyle that Will Get a 38-Year-Old Carded.
  114. The Psychological Impact of Alopecia
  115. Approach to Hair Loss in Women of Color
  116. Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss, Alopecia, and Medical Wigs
  117. Do Gel Manicures Increase Cancer Risk? | Harvard Health
  118. Is Your Manicure Safe?
  119. Cancer and Other Health Risks at Nail Salons
  120. The Psychology of Body Modification
  121. Dark Circles Under Eyes - Eye Bags:
  122. Hemorrhoid Creams for Wrinkles: Under Eyes and Side Effects
  123. Should You Use Hemorrhoid Cream for or Under Your Eyes?
  124. Can Hemorrhoid Cream Reduce Eye Puffiness and Swelling?
  125. Introduction to Contact Lenses
  126. Contact Lenses Overview
  127. Contact Lenses
  128. Contact Lenses Optics
  129. Contact Lens Care
  130. Contact Lens Care | FDA
  131. Eye and Face Protection
  132. The Optics of Contact Lenses
  133. Soft Contact Lens - An Overview
  134. Types of Contact Lenses and Their Characteristics
  135. Best Practices Contact Lenses
  136. US Regulation for Safe Use of Contact Lenses
  137. Risk Behaviors for Contact Lens–Related Eye Infections Among Adults and Adolescents
  138. Healthy Contact Lens Behaviors ...
  139. Effect of Contact Lens Wear on Cornea
  140. The World’s First and Only Water Gradient Contact Lens
  141. The Science Fiction Future of Contact Lenses
  142. Making Vision a Health Priority
  143. Focusing on Contact Lens Safety
  144. Laser Surgery for Eyes: Find a Surgeon or Lasik Doctor in Your Area.
  145. Crystalens IOL vs CK: Comparison Chart.
  146. 3 Hairstyles for Perfect Summer Hair
  147. 3 Smart New Ways to Dry-Style Your Hair.
  148. 4 Best Haircuts for Women in Their 50s.
  149. 5 Best Haircuts for Women in Their 20s.
  150. 5 Haircuts for Women in Their 30s.
  151. 5 Short-Hair Styling Mistakes to Avoid.
  152. 5 Braiding Mistakes You're Probably Making — How to Stop.
  153. 5 Dermatologists on the 1 Thing You Should Do Every Day
  154. 6 Prettiest Long Haircuts.
  155. 7 Makeup Artists Share Their Tricks to Nail the Perfect Cat Eye.
  156. 7 At-Home Fixes for Everyday Skin Problems.
  157. 7 Organic Beauty Blogs to Green Your Beauty Routine.
  158. 7 Negative Side Effects of Plastic Surgery
  159. 8 Things to Make Skin Look Younger
  160. 8 Beauty Products You Should Keep in Your Fridge.
  161. 9 Top Beauty Bloggers Share Their Morning Skin.
  162. 9 Home-Made Face Packs to Remove Tan.
  163. 9 Haircuts That Take Off Years.
  164. 9 Makeup Tutorials for People Who Can’t Keep Lipstick on Their Mouths.
  165. 9 Ways to De-Puff Eyes
  166. 10 Top Henna Leaves Benefits - Mehendi Leaves Benefits
  167. 10 Top Grammy's Hairstyles.
  168. 10 Top Daily Habits for Beautiful, Healthy Skin.
  169. 10 Impressive Benefits of Henna for Hair & Skin
  170. 10 Surprising Facts About Indoor Tanning
  171. 10 Disadvantages of Applying Henna on Hair
  172. 10 Hairstyles That Make You Look 10 Years Younger.
  173. 10 Sexiest Haircuts for Oval Faces.
  174. 10 Beauty Myths We All Fall for
  175. 10 Facts About the Psychology of Tattoos
  176. 10 Reasons for Dry Skin.
  177. 10 Dos and Don'ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin
  178. 10 Causes of Under-Eye Swelling
  179. 10 Ways to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes
  180. 10 Effective Ways to Make Your Face Look Young Again
  181. 10 All-Natural Beauty Blogs to Help You Go Green.
  182. 11 Beauty Product Staples that Everyone Should Have in Their Makeup Collection.
  183. 11 Healthy Ways to Get Rid of Puffy ...
  184. 11 Ways to Banish the Bags Under Your Eyes (Slideshow)
  185. 12 Popular Cosmetic Uses for Soft Tissue Fillers
  186. 13 Best Ingredients for Your Natural Skin Care Ritual
  187. 13 Best Beauty Products.
  188. 15 Ways to Be a Natural Beauty.
  189. 15 Cleopatra Beauty Facts That Are Worth Knowing Beauty Secrets
  190. 16 Popular Botox Injection Areas for Face and Neck Wrinkles
  191. 17 Intriguing Facts and Stats About Beauty
  192. 19 Natural Masks, Treatments, and Tricks
  193. 19 Best Beauty Blogs.
  194. 22 Best Face Moisturizers
  195. 22 Proven Health Benefits Of Henna & Benefits to Skin, Hair and Nails
  196. 22 Interesting Facts About Plastic Surgery
  197. 25 Foods Make You Look Younger
  198. 25 Natural Ways to Maintain Youthful, Glowing Skin
  199. 25 Best Facial Moisturizers for Hydrated, Healthy Skin
  200. 37 Little-Known Natural Beauty Secrets from Around the World.
  201. 40 Rejuvenating Plastic Surgery Facts
  202. 40 Beauty Expert-Recommended Secrets to Looking Younger.
  203. 50 Excellent Women's Health and Beauty Blogs.
  204. 50 Beauty Facts
  205. 99+ Beauty Facts That Will Help You to Pamper Your Skin
▷ Drugs - Alcoholism - Addiction
  1. Signs of Substance Abuse - Common Drug Abuse Symptoms and Effects
  2. Commonly Misused Substances
  3. Understanding Substances and Substance Use
  4. Understanding Substance Abuse and Facilitating Recovery
  5. Educational Resources: Misuse of Prescription Pain Relievers | FDA
  6. Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Health
  7. Substance Abuse
  8. Substance Abuse and Dependence
  9. Substance Abuse Causes and Consequences
  10. Substance Abuse Treatment
  11. Substance Abuse Treatment at Northern Illinois
  12. Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence
  13. Substance Abuse and Recovery Workbook
  14. Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders
  15. Substance Use and Sexual Violence
  16. Substance Use Treatment for Veterans
  17. Statistics on Veterans and Substance Abuse.
  18. Veterans Mental Health - PTSD, Anxiety, Depression & Substance Abuse
  19. Veteran Substance Abuse - A New War on Home Soil
  20. Types of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
  21. Treatment for Mental and Substance Use Disorders | findtreatment.gov
  22. High Risk Substance Use in Youth
  23. Teen Substance Use & Risks
  24. Promising Strategies to Reduce Substance Abuse
  25. Associations Between Substance Use and Type of Crime in Prisoners with Substance Use Problems
  26. Adolescents and Substance Abuse: The Effects of Substance Abuse on Parents and Siblings
  27. The Link Between Substance Abuse and Violence
  28. Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence
  29. Domestic Violence and Abuse
  30. Domestic Violence & Addiction
  31. Health Concerns of Drug Use, Abuse and Addiction
  32. Signs of Drug Addiction
  33. Effects of Drug and Alcohol Use on Weight Change.
  34. Sex and Drugs: Effects of Addiction on Sexuality
  35. The Relationship Between Sexual and Physical Abuse and Substance Abuse Consequences
  36. The Basics of Addiction Counseling
  37. Unique New Approaches to Painkiller Addiction Treatment
  38. Drugs, Brains, and Behavior the Science of Addiction
  39. Drug Addiction
  40. Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery
  41. Drug Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) - Symptoms and Causes | Mayo Clinic
  42. Drug Addiction: Substance Abuse, Substance Use Disorder, Treatment
  43. Drug Testing
  44. Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment
  45. Drug & Alcohol Rehab Costs & Insurance Coverage
  46. Drugs, Brains, and Behavior - The Science of Addiction.
  47. Drugs and Violence
  48. Drugs, Crime and Violence: The Microlevel Impact
  49. Drug Abuse and Addiction.
  50. Drug Misuse and Addiction | NIDA
  51. Drug Use and Addiction
  52. Drugs and Addiction
  53. Drug Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) - Symptoms and Causes
  54. Drug Rehab Statistics, Rehabilitation Stats.
  55. Drug Overdose Deaths | CDC
  56. Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 1999–2018
  57. Drug Overdose Death Statistics: Opioids and Fentanyl
  58. Drug Overdose Death Statistics - US Interactive Map
  59. Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths in the U.S. (2013–2017)
  60. Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse
  61. Signs of An Overdose: What to Do if One Occurs
  62. Inpatient Drug Rehab In Illinois | Residential Addiction Treatment
  63. Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction
  64. Ecstasy Addiction: Symptoms, Effects & Rehab Treatment
  65. The Best Drug Rehabs in Florida: What Resources Are Available?.
  66. The Most Dangerous Drugs in the World
  67. Most Dangerous Drugs Which Can Kill You in Minutes
  68. Know the Risks of Using Drugs
  69. Rehab Insurance Coverage for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
  70. Does Insurance Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab?: Rehab with Insurance
  71. Protecting Children from Online Drug Dealers
  72. Basic Concepts in Drug Addiction
  73. Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction
  74. Understanding Drug Use and Addiction Drug Facts
  75. Theories on Drug Abuse - Selected Contemporary Perspectives
  76. Heart Health: The Effect of Drugs and Addiction
  77. Health, Social, and Psychological Consequences of Drug Use and Abuse.
  78. The Physical & Mental Effects of Drug Abuse
  79. The Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction.
  80. Community and Drugs
  81. Social Determinants of Drug Use
  82. The Social Impact of Drug Abuse.
  83. Impact of Drug Abuse on Health and Society
  84. Effects of Drug Abuse and Addiction
  85. Resources and Information About Addiction and Mental Health Treatment
  86. Oral Health of Drug Abusers: A Review of Health Effects and Care
  87. Addressing Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States
  88. Mental Health and Addiction Statistics
  89. Veteran Addiction & Mental Health Statistics.
  90. Healing the Addicted Brain - Innovative Addiction Support and Treatment
  91. Fentanyl: The Most Dangerous Illegal Drug in America
  92. Fentanyl Addiction & Abuse
  93. Fentanyl Addiction: Symptoms, Side Effects & Rehab Treatment
  94. Fentanyl Addiction: Symptoms and Signs of Abuse
  95. Fentanyl Side Effects: Mental & Physical Effects of Fentanyl Use
  96. Fentanyl Abuse Signs, Symptoms, & Side Effects
  97. Long-Term Effects of Fentanyl Abuse & Addiction
  98. Signs of Fentanyl Abuse: Addiction, Effects, and Treatment
  99. Signs of An Overdose: What to Do If One Occurs
  100. Heroin, Fentanyl, and Other Opioids: A Comprehensive Resource for Families with a Teen or Young Adult Struggling with Opioid Use
  101. Doctors More Cautious Now When Prescribing Opioids to Kids.
  102. Meth Addiction: Facts, Statistics & How Meth Changes You
  103. Meth Addiction & Abuse Statistics - Understanding Meth Use
  104. Meth Addiction and Abuse: Signs, Symptoms and Dangers
  105. Meth Addiction and Abuse: Everything you Need to Know
  106. Meth Addiction: Signs, Effects, and Treatment
  107. Meth Abuse Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment
  108. Methamphetamine (Meth) Addiction & Abuse
  109. Methamphetamine Drug Facts
  110. Methamphetamine: The Most Dangerous Drug
  111. Methadone Addiction and Abuse - Understanding a Methadone Addiction
  112. Methadone Addiction - Abuse, Effects, Treatment & Recovery
  113. Side Effects and Long-Term Effects of Methadone
  114. Effects of Methadone on the Brain and Body
  115. Tracing the US Opioid Crisis to Its Roots.
  116. Only a Quarter of Opioid Painkillers Taken After Most Surgeries.
  117. Caring for Women with Opioid Disorder
  118. Addressing the Prescription Opioid Crisis
  119. The Opioid Crisis and the Black/African American Population: An Urgent Issue
  120. Opioid Analgesics: Pathways to Addiction
  121. Opioids: Brand Names, Generic Names & Street Names
  122. Opioid Addiction: Signs, Symptoms and Dangers
  123. Opioid Addiction Facts & Figures.
  124. Even Wisdom Tooth Removal May Spur Opioid Addiction.
  125. Prescription Opioids and Heroin Issues.
  126. Timeline and Addressing Opioid Misuse and Abuse | FDA
  127. Aggressive Behaviour and Heroin Addiction
  128. Symptoms of Heroin Addiction, Use, and Abuse
  129. Signs of Heroin Use, Abuse & Addiction (Physical & Behavioral)
  130. Heroin Addiction and Abuse
  131. Heroin Addiction and Abuse: Signs, Symptoms and Dangers
  132. Heroin Addiction & Facts - How & Why Heroin Is Abused
  133. Heroin: Abuse, Effects, Risks, and Addiction
  134. Marijuana’s Effect on the Body and Brain
  135. Marijuana and Heart Health
  136. Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know.
  137. Marijuana vs. Alcohol
  138. Marijuana Use and Teens
  139. Marijuana Use: Detrimental to Youth
  140. Teenagers and Cannabis Use: Why It's a Problem and What Can Be Done About It
  141. Health Effects of Marijuana
  142. Know the Risks of Marijuana
  143. The Dangers of Marijuana in Adolescence
  144. The Negative Health Effects of Marijuana
  145. New Study Looks at Health Effects of Eating Marijuana.
  146. Medicine or Menace? The Marijuana Argument Is Rekindled.
  147. Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use
  148. The Effects of Marijuana on Your Body
  149. The Effects and Dangers of K2
  150. Synthetic Marijuana: K2/Kush Side Effects
  151. Effects of Spice, K2 and Synthetic Marijuana Abuse
  152. Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2/Spice) Drug Facts
  153. More Teens Who Use Marijuana Are Suffering From Psychosis
  154. K2, Spice, and Synthetic Cannabinoids
  155. Spice Overdose and Side Effects
  156. Cocaine
  157. Cocaine: Abuse and Addiction
  158. Cocaine Addiction and Abuse: Signs, Symptoms and Dangers
  159. Cocaine Addiction & Treatment
  160. Cocaine (Crack, Coke) Drug Facts, Effects, and Use
  161. Cocaine Drug Facts
  162. Cocaine Health Effects
  163. Cocaine Effects on the Body: Short-Term & Side Effects
  164. Cocaine Statistics by Age, Gender, and Ethnicity
  165. Cocaine Use and Depression
  166. Cocaine Research Report
  167. Cocaine Abuse and Addiction Research Report
  168. Depression Among Cocaine Abusers in Treatment
  169. The Risks & Effects of Cocaine Abuse on the Body
  170. The Truth About Cocaine
  171. Hydrocodone Addiction
  172. Hydrocodone Addiction: Symptoms and Signs of Abuse
  173. Hydrocodone Addiction and Abuse
  174. The Effects of Hydrocodone Use
  175. Is Hydrocodone Addictive?
  176. Treatment Options for Hydrocodone Abuse and Addiction
  177. Morphine Abuse & Addiction - Effects, Overdose, & Treatment
  178. Morphine Abuse Signs, Symptoms, & Side Effects
  179. Morphine Abuse Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment
  180. Morphine Effects - Short Term, Long Term & Side Effects
  181. Morphine Addiction: Identify Signs & Side Effects
  182. Effects of Morphine Abuse and Addiction
  183. Oxycodone Addiction and Abuse - A Potent Painkiller
  184. Oxycodone Addiction: Symptoms, Signs of Abuse & Rehab Treatment
  185. Oxycodone Abuse Signs, Symptoms and Addiction Treatment
  186. Oxycodone Addiction - Abuse, Effects, Treatment & Recovery
  187. Oxycodone Effects - Short Term, Long Term & Side Effects
  188. Oxycodone Abuse, Addiction, and Treatment Programs
  189. Diazepam Abuse - Signs, Symptoms & Effects of Valium Abuse
  190. Side Effects of Diazepam Abuse - Signs, Symptoms & Effects
  191. Valium (Diazepam) Abuse, Addiction, and Treatment Options
  192. Valium Addiction and Abuse - Diazepam Addiction
  193. Valium (Diazepam): Addiction, Withdrawal and Treatment
  194. Is Ecstasy (MDMA) Addictive?
  195. Is MDMA Addictive? | NIH
  196. MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly): Effects, Abuse, Risks, and Addiction
  197. Ecstasy (MDMA/Molly) Addiction & Abuse
  198. Ecstasy Addiction and Abuse: Understanding MDMA
  199. Ecstasy/MDMA Addiction, Abuse, and Symptoms
  200. Effects of Ketamine Abuse
  201. Ketamine Side Effects: Physical, Mental & Long-Term Effects
  202. Ketamine Effects: After & Short Term Effects of Ketamine
  203. Ketamine Risks, Side Effects, and Treatment
  204. Ketamine Facts & Effects
  205. Alprazolam Abuse Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment
  206. Xanax (Alprazolam) Side Effects, Symptoms & Signs of Abuse
  207. Xanax Addiction and Abuse - Addiction to Alprazolam
  208. Xanax Bars Side Effects and Dangers of Alprazolam Abuse
  209. Xanax: Side Effects, Dangers & Long-Term Impacts
  210. Treatment for Xanax Addiction and Misuse: Detox and Therapy
  211. The Myths of Smoking Pot.
  212. The Perils of Legalized Pot.
  213. Kids Smoking Weed: Risks & Statistics of Teen Marijuana Use
  214. Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents
  215. The Effects of Addiction on Children
  216. E-Cigs May Help Smokers Quit, But...
  217. Tobacco Use and Heart Health
  218. Tobacco Use & Your Health
  219. Health Effects of Tobacco Use
  220. Tobacco Smoking: Health Impact, Prevalence, Correlates and Interventions
  221. Tobacco Use, Cancer Causation and Public Health Impact
  222. Chewing Tobacco Effects and Statistics
  223. Secondhand Smoke in Childhood Thickens Arteries.
  224. Understanding Alcoholism & Alcohol Abuse Within Families
  225. Understanding Alcoholism for Families
  226. Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder
  227. Addressing Alcohol Use Practice Manual
  228. Building a Strong Support System: Resources for Loved Ones of Alcoholics
  229. Problems Associated with Alcohol Consumption by University Students
  230. Important Facts About Alcohol and Drugs
  231. Chronic Alcohol Use and Sleep Homeostasis: Risk Factors
  232. Signs of Drinking Problem
  233. Self-Tests to Help Determine a Drinking Problem
  234. Sobriety Calculator
  235. Limiting Alcohol to Manage High Blood Pressure.
  236. Alcohol Rehab Insurance Coverage for Addiction Treatment
  237. Alcohol and Other Substance Use
  238. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
  239. Alcohol Facts and Statistics
  240. Alcohol Use - Facts & Resources
  241. Alcohol Use: Weighing Risks and Benefits
  242. Alcohol Use and Cancer
  243. Alcohol – Body & Health Effects - A Brief Overview
  244. Alcohol: Balancing Risks and Benefits
  245. Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Glioma (Brain Tumor)
  246. Alcohol and Cancer
  247. Alcohol Effects on Kidneys
  248. Alcohol and Your Kidneys
  249. Alcohol, Smoking and Obesity Fueling ‘Alarming’ Global Cancer Surge.
  250. Alcohol, Gender, and Drinking Problems
  251. Alcohol Addiction and Abuse
  252. Alcohol and Health
  253. Alcohol and Mental Health
  254. Alcohol and Sleep
  255. Alcohol – The Body & Health Effects
  256. Alcohol Consumption During COVID
  257. Alcohol Misuse
  258. Alcohol, Drugs of Abuse, Aggression, and Violence
  259. Alcohol and Drug Problem Overview
  260. Alcohol and Other Drug Problems
  261. Alcohol Screening & Testing - Breath, Blood, Saliva, & QA
  262. Alcohol Calorie Calculator
  263. Alcohol, Processed Meats May Raise Stomach Cancer Risk.
  264. Alcohol: Balancing Risks and Benefits
  265. Alcohol Rehab & Detox Programs
  266. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Statistics (Facts About Addiction)
  267. Alcohol in Canada
  268. Alcoholism and Family Problems: Effects and Treatments
  269. Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
  270. Alcoholism in Family Systems
  271. Is Alcohol Good or Bad for You? Yes.
  272. Is It Possible to Drink and Still be Healthy?
  273. Is Drinking Alcohol Part of a Healthy Lifestyle?
  274. Even a Little Alcohol Can Harm Your Health
  275. New Alcohol Research Shows Drinking Small Amounts Can Still Be Harmful to Health
  276. UK Alcohol Facts & Useful Statistics
  277. The Difference Between Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
  278. A Meta-Analysis of Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Brain
  279. Bulimia and Alcohol Addiction
  280. Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation
  281. Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Programs
  282. Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Young People
  283. Impacts of Social Drinking
  284. Policy Impact: Alcohol Impaired Driving
  285. Effects of Alcohol on the Kidneys
  286. Effects of Alcohol Use and Abuse on the Body
  287. Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Teenagers
  288. The Effects of Alcohol Abuse & Addiction
  289. The Risks & Effects of Alcohol Abuse
  290. The Risks Associated with Alcohol Use and Alcoholism
  291. The Benefits and Disadvantages of Drinking Alcohol
  292. The Road to Recovery from Alcoholism and Addiction: Retribution or Restoration?
  293. Health Risks and Benefits of Alcohol Consumption
  294. Study Links Drinking Pattern to Alcohol’s Effect on Heart Health.
  295. No, Moderate Drinking Isn’t Good for Your Health
  296. Sorting Out the Health Effects of Alcohol
  297. One Major Side Effect of Drinking Red Wine
  298. Is There a Relationship Between Alcohol Quality and Health?
  299. Is Red Wine Good for You?.
  300. Is Red Wine Actually Good for Your Heart?.
  301. Red Wine: Good or Bad?
  302. Red Wine and Resveratrol: Good for Your Heart?.
  303. Benefits of Red Wine for the Heart, Body & Mind.
  304. Are the Health Benefits of Red Wine Actually Legit?.
  305. Psychosocial Factors in Alcohol Use and Alcoholism
  306. Social Effects of Alcohol Abuse: Consequences of Alcoholism in Society
  307. Social Drinking vs Binge Drinking
  308. Social and Cultural Aspects of Drinking - Introduction
  309. Frequent Drinkers See Lower Diabetes Risk.
  310. Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Drugs and Alcohol
  311. Real Life Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Stories
  312. Important Facts About Alcohol and Drugs
  313. Is Video Game Addiction Really an Addiction?
  314. Video Game Addiction - Signs, Symptoms & Help for Gaming Addictions
  315. Video Game Addiction and Abuse, and Symptoms
  316. The Association Between Mobile Game Addiction and Depression, Social Anxiety, and Loneliness
  317. The Relationship Between Gambling Addiction and Mental Health
  318. The Relationship Between Video Games and Depression
  319. Is Video Gaming, or Video Game Addiction, Associated with Depression, Academic Achievement, Heavy Episodic Drinking, or Conduct Problems?
  320. Casino Problems and Addiction
  321. Mental Health and Problem Gambling
  322. Prevention of Problem Gambling
  323. Roads to Recovery from Gambling Addiction
  324. Compulsive Gambling Symptoms, Causes and Effects
  325. The Impact of Problem Gambling on Families and Relationship Partners: A Scoping Literature Review
  326. Gambling - Financial Issues
  327. Gambling Addiction: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
  328. Gambling Addiction Facts and Statistics
  329. Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling
  330. Gambling Addiction Causes, Treatment & Symptoms.
  331. Gambling Addiction: Stats, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
  332. Gambling Problems: An Introduction for Behavioral Health Services Providers
  333. Online Gaming Addiction in Children and Adolescents
  334. Families Living with Problem Gambling: Impacts, Coping Strategies and Help-Seeking
  335. The Connection Between Gambling Disorder and Substance Use Disorders
  336. Understanding Problem Gambling
  337. Signs and Symptoms of Gambling Withdrawal
  338. Relationships and Problem Gambling
  339. Problem Gamblers and Their Finances
  340. Conceptualizing and Treating Problem Gambling as a Family Issue
  341. Treatment for Gambling Addiction
  342. Tough Truths About Addiction and Depression
  343. Internet Addiction - Symptoms, Signs, and Treatment
  344. Internet Addiction Levels and Problem-Solving Skills in the Teaching Profession: An Investigation
  345. Internet Addiction: The Problem and Treatment
  346. Internet Addiction in Children and Adolescents
  347. Depression and Addiction – Are They Linked?
  348. Theories of Addiction: Causes and 4 Maintenance of Addiction
  349. Tell Me Everything I Need to Know About Addiction
  350. Signs and Symptoms of Addiction
  351. Understanding Addiction
  352. Understanding Addiction and Criminal Behavior
  353. Understanding the Disease of Addiction
  354. Effects of Addiction on Sexuality
  355. Other Types of Addiction (Besides Drug and Alcohol Abuse)
  356. Process Addiction and the Addictive Brain
  357. Navigating Addiction Recovery While Managing Chronic Pain as a Veteran
  358. Adderall Addiction: Signs, Effects, and Treatment
  359. Love Addiction
  360. Psychological Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, Withdrawal, and Treatment
  361. DNA Test for Addiction
  362. Addiction and Health | NIDA
  363. Addiction to Video Games ...
  364. Addiction in Children: Are There Early Warning Signs?
  365. Addiction: Symptoms to Look for, Causes, and Treatment
  366. Addiction to Prescription Drugs | Harvard Health
  367. Addiction and Recovery
  368. Addictions and Trauma Recovery: An Integrated Approach
  369. Addiction: The Problem & The Solution
  370. Addiction Resources for American Communities.
  371. Addiction Counseling in Texas
  372. Addiction Resources
  373. 2 out of 3 Smokers Will Die from Habit: Study.
  374. 5 Things to Know About Genetic Testing for Addiction
  375. 10 Drugs That May Cause Memory Loss.
  376. 10 Top Most Dangerous Drugs.
  377. 10 Top Most Dangerous Drugs | Delamere
  378. 10 Top Most Common Drugs - Most Commonly Used Illegal Drugs
  379. 10 Top Worst Gambling Addiction Stories - Dangers of Problem Gambling
  380. 11 Facts About Alcohol Abuse.
  381. 12 Step Rehab Programs.
  382. 15 Most Dangerous Drugs and How They Impact the Brain
  383. 15 Top Most Dangerous Drugs
  384. 16 Hollywood Faces Who Are Killed by Drugs
  385. 20 Alcoholism Facts.
  386. 25 Dangerous Drugs and Their Street Names
  387. 25 Most Dangerous Drugs, Side Effects, Death Rates
  388. 28 Telltale Signs of Heroin Addiction
  389. 30 Facts About Alcohol.
  390. 41 AAPI Addiction and Mental Health Resources
  391. 50 Top Addiction & Mental Health Resources for Black Men
  392. 51 Essential Addiction & Self-Care Resources for Black Women
▷ Happiness & Life Expectations
  1. Longevity: Lifestyle Strategies for Living a Healthy, Long Life
  2. Longevity, Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy
  3. Longevity.
  4. Longevity To-Do List for Your 30s.
  5. Longevity Map: Genetic Association Studies of Longevity.
  6. The Longevity Diet
  7. Lifespan Calculator – Test Your Life Expectancy.
  8. Life Expectancy Calculator
  9. Life Expectancy Calculator | SSA
  10. Life Expectancy at Birth
  11. Life Expectancy at 65
  12. Life Expectancy Grows for Women Age 50 and Up.
  13. Life Expectancy
  14. Life Expectancy | Science Direct
  15. Life Expectancy - An Overview.
  16. Life Expectancy and Quality of Life.
  17. Life Expectancy Gap Between Men and Women Grows Wider in the U.S.
  18. Life Plan for the Life Span
  19. A Life Span Model of Successful Aging
  20. Expectation of Life in the United States
  21. Changes in Life Expectancy in the United States: 1900-2000
  22. Changes in Life Expectancy by Race and Hispanic Origin in the United States, 2013-2014
  23. Changes in the Body with Aging
  24. There's More to Life Than Being Happy
  25. Leading a Healthy Life
  26. Creating a Healthy Life
  27. Live Long and Prosper
  28. Living Longer, But in Better or Worse Health?
  29. Live Long in Good Health: Could Calorie Restriction Mimetics Hold the Key?
  30. Live Well 20 Habits for Everyday Health
  31. Live a Beautiful Life in 10 Easy Steps
  32. Live to 100 by Adding Beans to Your Diet
  33. Living to 100: The Four Keys to Longevity
  34. Living to 100 and Beyond: The Right Genes plus a Healthy Lifestyle
  35. Living Beyond the Age of 100.
  36. Living a 140-Year Long and Healthy Life.
  37. Living a Healthy Life
  38. Living a Happy, Healthy and Satisfying Life
  39. Living Longer, and Better
  40. Living Longer. And Better. | Psychology Today
  41. Living Longer, Better: Understanding Longevity Literacy
  42. Living Alone as a Risk Factor for Cancer Incidence, Case-Fatality and All-cause Mortality
  43. Living Alone Raises Americans' Cancer Risk by Nearly a Third
  44. Living Alone Could Significantly Raise Your Risk of Dying from Cancer
  45. Living a Long Life with HIV.
  46. American Women Are Outliving Men by 6 Years Since Pandemic. But Why?
  47. Want to Add Healthy Years to Your Life? Here’s What New Longevity Research Says.
  48. Ways to Extend Your Healthy Years, Not Just Your Life
  49. The Keys to Life
  50. The Key to Becoming the Most Wonderful Version of Yourself
  51. Evolution of the Human Lifespan and Diseases of Aging: Roles of Infection, Inflammation, and Nutrition
  52. Decoding Keys to a Healthy Life
  53. People Living Alone Have Higher Mortality Rates
  54. Loneliness Can Increase Risk of Heart Disease by 27 Percent for Older Women
  55. Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke
  56. Evaluation of Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Cardiovascular Disease Among Older Women in the US
  57. Understanding Loneliness and Social Isolation: How to Stay Connected
  58. Social Isolation: Symptoms, Prevention, Treatments
  59. Age and Driving
  60. Aging and Health
  61. Aging and the Body: A Review
  62. Aging in Place
  63. Aging Matters
  64. Aging Well
  65. The Aging Process
  66. Brain Health and Quality of Life in Aging
  67. Experts Weigh in on Evidence for Anti-Aging Diets
  68. Global Aging
  69. Global Health and Aging
  70. The Psychology of Old Age: Emotion and Fulfillment
  71. Psychology and Aging
  72. Psychological Effects of Aging
  73. Older Adults' Health and Age-Related Changes
  74. World Population Ageing.
  75. The Double Standard of Ageing.
  76. The State of Mental Health and Aging in America
  77. Friendships Are Key to Health, Happiness, and a Long Life
  78. Turning Back the Aging Clock -- in Mice.
  79. The Inequities in the Cost of Chronic Disease for Older Adults
  80. Getting Over Getting Older
  81. Growing Older Staying Well
  82. Cultivating Happiness
  83. Habits to Form Now for a Longer Life
  84. Habits to Help You Live Longer
  85. Arizona Woman Being Studied by Scientists Looking for Secrets to a Long Life
  86. Kane Tanaka, the World's Oldest Living Person, Just Turned 119!
  87. Asian Traditions of Wellness
  88. Measuring Progress Towards Universal Health Coverage in Asia.
  89. The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life.
  90. You're Only as Old as You Feel
  91. Impact of Healthy Lifestyle Factors on Life Expectancies in the U.S. Population
  92. Identical Twins Turn 100, Reflect on Life of ‘Scandal’ and Joy: ‘People Love that We’re Still Together’
  93. People Over 40 Feel 20% Younger than Their Age
  94. People Who Live to 100 Have These Traits in Common | Time
  95. Those Who Live to 100 Have These Things in Common
  96. More Americans Are Living to 100. Get Ready for the Super-Aging Era
  97. The Triumph of New-Age Medicine.
  98. Do We Really Live Longer than Our Ancestors?
  99. Do Those Who Retire Early Live Longer?
  100. Does Physical Activity Increase Life Expectancy?
  101. Does Work Make You Happy?
  102. Does Happiness Increase in Old Age?
  103. Does Happiness Lead to Success?
  104. Does Medicine Actually Make People Live Longer?
  105. Does Retirement Improve Health and Life Satisfaction?
  106. Did Ancient People Die Young?
  107. Will Living Longer Make Our Lives Better?
  108. Will Healthy Eating Make You Happier?
  109. Can You Lengthen Your Life?
  110. Can We Live Longer But Stay Younger?
  111. Could You Make Yourself Happier?.
  112. Want to Live a Happy Life?
  113. Want to Be Happier?
  114. Want to Live Longer? Do These 5 Things
  115. Want to Live to Be 100? Here’s What Experts Recommend.
  116. Want to Live Past 100? Centenarians Share Their Secrets.
  117. Want to Live to 100? Eat These Foods: Fish, Vegetables, Yogurt, Nuts, and Fiber.
  118. Should We Plan on Living to 100?.
  119. Is 100 the New 80? What's It Take to Live Longer?
  120. Is a Happy Life Different from a Meaningful One?
  121. Is Longevity Good, or Not?
  122. Increasing Longevity and Life Satisfaction: Is There a Catch to Living Longer?
  123. Helping Others Helps You to Live Longer.
  124. Importance of Good Health in Our Life
  125. Simple Rules to Follow If You Want to Live to 100
  126. A Simple Way to Force Your Brain to be more Creative (Video)
  127. Menopause and Memory: Know the Facts
  128. Questions of Life Expectancy and Longevity.
  129. Secrets of a Long Life.
  130. The Secrets to Living a Longer and Better Life.
  131. The Secret to a Long and Healthy Life? Eat Less
  132. The Real Secrets to a Longer Life.
  133. The Pill that Could Change the Future of Aging
  134. The Long, Good Life
  135. The Rules of Life
  136. The Subtle Ways Your Accent Defines You (Video)
  137. The Key to a More Satisfying and Happy Life (Video)
  138. The Happiness of a Beautiful Mind
  139. The Happiness-Health Connection | Harvard Health
  140. The Happiness - Health Connection
  141. The Art of Happiness
  142. The Shortest Path to Happiness
  143. The Four Levels of Happiness
  144. The Link Between Happiness and Health
  145. The Differences Between Happiness and Meaning in Life
  146. Happy You, Healthy Me?
  147. Happiest States in America
  148. Happiness
  149. Happiness and Life Satisfaction
  150. Happiness and Life Expectancy by Main Occupational Position Among Older Workers
  151. Happiest Countries in the World
  152. Happiness Linked to Longer Life.
  153. Happiness Isn't Enough: Why a Life Without Meaning Will ...
  154. Discovering the Fountain of Youth: Living Well into Your 90s
  155. A Wonderful Life: Experiential Consumption and the Pursuit of Happiness
  156. World Happiness Report
  157. Health, Aging and Quality of Life
  158. Healthy Aging
  159. Healthy, Happy Families Express
  160. Healthy Aging in Action
  161. Healthy Brain, Happy Life
  162. Healthy Lifestyle and Happiness
  163. Healthy Lifestyle, Greater Disease-free Life Expectancy
  164. Healthy Habits Can Lengthen Life
  165. Health Benefits of Happiness
  166. Health-Related Quality of Life and Well-Being
  167. Health & Wellness: Redefining Healthy Living
  168. Health Inequalities.
  169. Health, United States – Data Finder
  170. Healthcare and Life Sciences Predictions
  171. The Health & Retirement Study
  172. Youth Health Issues
  173. Good Health Adds Life to Years
  174. Good Genes Are Nice, But Joy Is Better
  175. Exploring the Link Between Health and Happiness
  176. Beauty Is the Promise of Happiness?
  177. Beautiful Quotes on the Natural Beauty of Life.
  178. The Science of What Makes People Happy
  179. The Science of Happiness
  180. Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
  181. The Truth About Fats: The Good, The Bad, and The In-Between
  182. Quality of Life: Everyone Wants It, But What Is It?
  183. Quality of Life, Health and Happiness
  184. Improving Quality of Life Through Your Dental Care.
  185. Keeping Track of the Oldest People in the World.
  186. A Lifetime of Good Health
  187. Secrets to Living a Healthier, More Joyful Life
  188. The Secrets of Longevity
  189. The 4-Step Plan to Get Your Life on Track.
  190. The Impact of the Increase in Life Expectancy.
  191. The Effect of New Drugs on Longevity.
  192. Reaching for a Healthier Life
  193. Exercise May Be the Most Effective Weapon Against Aging.
  194. Easy Ways to Protect Your Aging Brain.
  195. Long-Term Care Services in the United States in 2013.
  196. U.S. Decennial Life, 2009–2011
  197. U.S. Life Expectancy 1950-2022
  198. U.S. Life Expectancy Continues to Fall
  199. U.S. Life Expectancy After Retirement
  200. You’re Likely to Live Longer If You Retire After 65
  201. Here's the Average Length of Retirement. Will Your Money Last That Long?
  202. Average Retirement Age in the United States
  203. The Best Ages to Retire
  204. Retirees Are Underestimating How Long They Will Live
  205. Retire After 65: It's One of the Secrets to a Long Happy Life!
  206. Early Retirement May Be the Kiss of Death, Study Finds
  207. Prepare for Life After Retirement
  208. Journey Through the 6 Stages of Retirement
  209. Common Post-Retirement Risks
  210. The Science of Retirement Happiness
  211. The Effects of Retirement on Physical and Mental Health
  212. Timeline of Historic Inventions for Better Life
  213. 4 Top Ways to Live Longer | Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  214. 5 Top Ways to Build a Wonderful Life
  215. 5 Ways to Find Purpose In Life After Retirement
  216. 5 Ways to Extend Your Life Expectancy by a Decade.
  217. 5 Healthy Habits that Can Help You Live Longer.
  218. 5 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Past 90
  219. 5 Eating Habits That Shorten Your Lifespan.
  220. 5 Things Science Says Will Make You Happier.
  221. 5 Things Longevity Researchers Do Every Day for Better Health
  222. 5 Science-Backed Ways to Live a Longer Life
  223. 5 Keys to a Longer Life with a Healthy Lifestyle
  224. 5 Little Principles to Help You Live a Peaceful Life.
  225. 6 Positive Lifestyle Factors That Promote Good Health
  226. 6 Simple Secrets for Living a Happy and Healthy Life.
  227. 6 Secrets to a Happier Life | Time.
  228. 6 Ways to Increase Your Lifespan.
  229. 6 Things That Help Make a Person Truly Happy.
  230. 6 Ways Happiness Is Good for Your Health
  231. 7 Secrets to Living a Long & Happy Life.
  232. 7 Habits to Live a Healthier Life, Inspired by the World's Longest-lived Communities
  233. 7 Habits for Longer Life.
  234. 7 Habits of People Who Age Well
  235. 7 Life Priorities in Retirement
  236. 7 Lessons Learned from the Happiest Country in the World.
  237. 7 Key Steps to Living a Beautiful Life.
  238. 7 Keys to Living Longer and Healthier
  239. 8 Signs That You Could Live to Be 100 Years Old
  240. 8 Ways to Add Healthy Years to Your Life
  241. 8 Healthy Habits that May Add 24 Years to Your Lifespan
  242. 9 Things Proven to Make You Happy.
  243. 9 Facts About How Long We Live
  244. 9 Scientific Secrets to Healthy Aging.
  245. 9 Simple Principles that Can Help You Find Harmony in Life
  246. 10 Simple Ways to Find Happiness.
  247. 10 Simple Steps to Increase Life Expectancy.
  248. 10 Steps to Healthy, Happy Aging.
  249. 10 Keys to Happier Living
  250. 10 Ways to Be Happy
  251. 10 Essential Facts About Life Expectancy.
  252. 10 Secrets to a Long Life from People Who’ve Lived to 100
  253. 10 Facts on Ageing and Health
  254. 10 Choices That Lead to a Happy, Fulfilling Life
  255. 10 Things to Stop Doing for a Longer Life
  256. 10 Healthy Habits to Live a Better, Not Just a Longer Life
  257. 10 Healthy Habits Happy (and Beautiful) Women Swear by
  258. 12 Secrets to Living a Long, Healthy Life
  259. 12 Ways to Reduce Stress and Live a More Peaceful and Healthy Life.
  260. 13 Habits That Are Aging You.
  261. 13 Habits Linked to a Long Life.
  262. 14 Things That Make You Happy and Enjoy Life More.
  263. 14 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle
  264. 14 Everyday Mistakes That Are Aging Your Hair.
  265. 15 Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life.
  266. 15 Ways to Live Longer and Healthier
  267. 18 Secrets for a Longer Life
  268. 18 Easy Ways to Be Happier and Healthier
  269. 20 Happiest Countries in the World.
  270. 20 Secrets to Living a Happier Life
  271. 20 Questions That Could Change Your Life.
  272. 21 Ways to Live in Harmony with the Universe.
  273. 24 Easy Habits that Psychologists Have Linked with Health and Happiness.
  274. 25 Habits to Help You Live a Happier Life.
  275. 25 Wonderful Facts About 'It’s a Wonderful Life'
  276. 25 Life Lessons I Have Learned Over the Last 25 Years
  277. 29 Best Ways to Start Living a Healthy & Happy Life
  278. 30 Facts and Statistics on Aging in the U.S.
  279. 30 Revealing Retirement Statistics & Facts
  280. 30 Fundamentals of a Wonderful Life
  281. 35 Ways to Live a More Peaceful Life.
  282. 39 Ways to Live a Beautiful Life.
  283. 44 Ways to Improve Your Health and Happiness.
  284. 50 Ways to Live a Longer, Healthier Life
  285. 50 Simple Habits for a Happier, Healthier Life
  286. 50 Simple Habits for Living Well
  287. 60 Ways to Live a Longer Life
  288. 65 Habits That Can Help You Live a Longer Life
  289. 68 Fascinating Facts about Aging
  290. 85 Life Is Beautiful Quotes
  291. 100 Ways to Live to 100 | Bestlifeonline
  292. 100 Ways to Live to 100
  293. 100+ Happiness Activities, Exercises, and Tools for Groups and Adults
  294. 137 Bob Marley Quotes on Life, Love, and Happiness
  295. 210 Happiness Quotes That Will Make You Smile
Normal Retirement Age
(Source: Social Security Administration)
Year of birth Age
---------------------- --------
1937 and prior 65
1938 65 and 2 months
1939 65 and 4 months
1940 65 and 6 months
1941 65 and 8 months
1942 65 and 10 months
1943-54 66
1955 66 and 2 months
1956 66 and 4 months
1957 66 and 6 months
1958 66 and 8 months
1959 66 and 10 months
1960 and later 67
1. Persons born on January 1 of any year should refer to the normal retirement age for the previous year.
2. For the purpose of determining benefit reductions for early retirement, widows and widowers whose entitlement is based on having attained age 60 should add 2 years to the year of birth shown in the table.
3. There are about 10,000 Americans turning 65 each day and receiving full retirement benefits.

Retirement Age Calculator
  • Retirement before "Normal Retirement Age" (NRA) reduces benefits, and retirement after NRA increases benefits.
  • NRA, also referred to as "Full Retirement Age," varies from age 65 to age 67 by year of birth.
  • When will you reach your NRA?

  • Enter your date of birth (// format)
    / /

    is .

    How, Who, What, When, Where & Why
    1. How to Live Longer
    2. How to Live Longer: 15 Things You Can Do Now
    3. How to Live Longer and Healthier - Anti-Aging
    4. How to Live a Longer Life
    5. How to Live a Long, Healthy Life
    6. How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
    7. How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle in 12 Simple Steps
    8. How to Live Your Best Life in Retirement
    9. How to Live Your Happiest Life After Retirement
    10. How to Live to 100 (And Love It!)
    11. How to Live to 100, According to Longevity Experts
    12. How to Live to 90 or Even Longer
    13. How to Live a Wonderful Life
    14. How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job
    15. How to Enjoy Life in a Way That Most People Don't
    16. How to Get a Life
    17. How to Get a Life and Live to the Fullest Every Day
    18. How to Get a Healthy and Strong Body
    19. How to Get Stronger After 50.
    20. How to Get Stronger in Your 40's, 50's, 60's ...
    21. How to Get in Shape
    22. How to Get Flawless Skin Without Dark Spots and Patches.
    23. How to Get Younger-Looking Hands.
    24. How to Get the Biggest Benefits of Walking
    25. How to Get Glowing Skin
    26. How to Get Better Skin
    27. How to Get Fit with Minimum Time and Effort
    28. How to Get Eyelashes So Long You May Have to Trim Them
    29. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes and Dark Circles
    30. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes, According to the Pros
    31. How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes
    32. How to Get Rid of Eye Bags Without Surgery
    33. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes
    34. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes
    35. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes | IPSY
    36. How to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    37. How to Get Rid of Bellies
    38. How to Permanently Get Rid of Dark Circles
    39. How to Permanently Removed Under-Eye Bags
    40. How to Be Happy
    41. How to Be Happy | Healthline
    42. How to Be Happy | Oprahmag
    43. How to Be a Healthier Drinker
    44. How to Stay Healthy
    45. How to Stay Healthy Without Help
    46. How to Stay Healthy When Stuck at Home
    47. How to Keep Your Family Safe from Carbon Monoxide.
    48. How to Keep Working When You're Just Not Feeling It
    49. How to Keep Fit: 14 Steps (with Pictures).
    50. How to Keep Hair Beautiful: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
    51. How to Build a Wonderful Life
    52. How to Build a Skin Care Routine
    53. How to Build Muscle Quickly When Training Outdoors.
    54. How to Build Your Own Workout Routines.
    55. How to Build an Exercise Plan.
    56. How to Build the Perfect Facial Moisturising Routine
    57. How to Make Life Interesting and More Enjoyable.
    58. How to Make Your Hair Look Cute in the Freezing Cold.
    59. How to Make Your Face Look Younger (with Pictures)
    60. How to Make Flying With Physical Disabilities Less Stressful: A Fully Accessible Guide.
    61. How to Make Natural Eyeshadow at Home
    62. How to Make Your Home Safe for Aging Parents
    63. How to Make Your Home a Greener, Healthier Place
    64. How to Make a Narcissist Miserable: 12 Things They Hate
    65. How to Make Henna Paste and Apply to Skin
    66. How to Lead a Happy Life Without Romantic Relationships
    67. How to Cope with the Fear of Aging
    68. How to Console a Senior Who Is Afraid of Dying
    69. How to Assess If an Older Adult Needs Caregiving Help
    70. How to Handle Survivor’s Guilt When Caregiving Ends
    71. How to Take Care of Your Skin: Everyday Dos and Don’ts.
    72. How to Take Care of Contact Lenses
    73. How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar.
    74. How to Lose College Weight in a Healthy Way
    75. How to Lose Weight by Cycling
    76. How to Lose Weight on a Stationary Bike
    77. How to Lose Weight: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science
    78. How to Lose Weight Eating More Food
    79. How to Lose Belly Fat by Cycling
    80. How to Lose Belly Fat at Any Age.
    81. How to Lose Belly Fat When You're a Skinny Fat Women
    82. How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
    83. How to Prevent Germs from Spreading
    84. How to Prevent Infections | Harvard
    85. How to Sleep Better.
    86. How to Sleep Better Naturally
    87. How to Create a Natural Skin Care Routine
    88. How to Create Happy Memories That Will Last a Lifetime
    89. How to Create a Balanced Workout Routine.
    90. How to Reduce Puffy Eyes. (Video)
    91. How to Reduce Visceral Body Fat (Hidden Fat).
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    93. How to Reduce Anxiety Right Here, Right Now
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    95. How to Stop Excessive Sweating - Hyperhidrosis
    96. How to Stop Anxiety Eating
    97. How to Exercise in the Heat and What to Do if You Get Sick.
    98. How to Exercise Smarter
    99. How to Exercise (with Pictures).
    100. How to Exercise Facial Muscles (with Pictures)
    101. How to Exercise on a Stationary Bike
    102. How to Ride a Stationary Bike to Burn Belly Fat
    103. How to Ride Your Bike Safely in the Dark
    104. How to Choose a Bike
    105. How to Choose the Best Sunscreen
    106. How to Look Younger than Your Age
    107. How to Look After Your Mental Health Using Exercise
    108. How to Use Hemorrhoids Cream for Puffy Eyes and Under Eye Bags
    109. How to Use a Rowing Machine
    110. How to Use Henna for Skin
    111. How to Use Coconut Oil As a Facial Moisturizer
    112. How to Use the 'Gray Rock' Method With a Narcissist
    113. How to Use the Gray Rock Method to Repel Narcissists (and Other Toxic People)
    114. How to Beat Narcissists With the Grey Rock Method
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    117. How to Calm Anxiety (When You're Freaking Out)
    118. How to Calm Anxiety & Feel Better Fast
    119. How to Calm Anxiety in Your Nervous System
    120. How to Calm Anxiety: 8 Natural Ways
    121. How to Calm Anxiety: 12+ Tips for Dealing With Anxiety & Stress Situations
    122. How to Calm Anxiety: 15 Tips to Manage Anxiety
    123. How to Promote Physical Health While Aging
    124. How to Stay Safe in a Carbon Monoxide Environment.
    125. How to Age Well
    126. How to Keep a Healthy Smile Into Old Age
    127. How to Wear, Remove, and Make Your Own Face Masks
    128. How to Swallow Pills.
    129. How to Wake Up for an Early-Morning Workout.
    130. How to Cook Healthier at Home.
    131. How to Burn Your Fat.
    132. How to Burn More Calories and Actually Lose Weight Walking
    133. How to Treat Open Pores.
    134. How to Increase Happiness
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    136. How to Eat Healthy as a College Student (At Home)
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    138. How to Eat If You Have High Cholesterol and Diabetes
    139. How to Feel 18 Years Old Again.
    140. How to Care for Swollen Eyes at Home
    141. How to Cure Puffy Eyes. (Video)
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    143. How to Find Your Fat-burning Zone
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    146. How to Break Down Belly Fat on a Exercise Bike
    147. How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy
    148. How to Improve Your Grip Strength.
    149. How to Fix Common Sleep Problems.
    150. How to Tell If a Vitamin Supplement is Good or Bad.
    151. How to Tell If Someone Is Injecting Drugs: Signs of IV Drug Abuse
    152. How to Tell If Someone is Shooting Up - Signs of IV Drug Abuse
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    154. How to Manage Weight Gain during Pregnancy
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    157. How to Ease Your Anxiety
    158. How to Grow from Your Regrets
    159. How to Deal With Insults and Put-Downs
    160. How to Deal With Depression After Retirement
    161. How to Treat Swollen and Puffy Eyes
    162. How to Treat Anxiety Naturally by Improving Your Gut Health
    163. How to Moisturize Your Skin | Harvard Health
    164. How to Moisturize Face
    165. How to Apply Moisturizer on Your Face
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    168. How to Start Lifting Weights
    169. How to Start Bodybuilding.
    170. How to Meditate
    171. How to Meditate for Beginners
    172. How to Do Meditation
    173. How to Cut Down on Alcohol and Drink in Moderation
    174. How to Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight
    175. How to Drink in Moderation
    176. How to Drink Less or Drink Moderately
    177. How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation
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    186. How Are the Kidneys Affected by Drinking?
    187. How Are Gut Health and Anxiety Connected?
    188. How Are Income and Wealth Linked to Health and Longevity?
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    192. How Does Appearance Affect Our Success?
    193. How Does Water Affect the Human Body?
    194. How Does Alcohol Affect Your Kidneys?
    195. How Does Alcohol Affect the Kidneys?
    196. How Does Alcoholism Run in Families?
    197. How Does Drug & Alcohol Addiction Affect Families?
    198. How Does Marijuana Produce Its Effects?
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    200. How Does Your Environment Affect Your Mental Health?
    201. How Does Addiction Affect Your Life?.
    202. How Does Addiction Start?.
    203. How Did People Clean Their Teeth in the Olden Days?
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    207. How Can Diet Sodas Make You Fat?
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    209. How Can We Close the Black-White Sleep Gap?
    210. How You Can Be Happier and More Successful
    211. How I Lost 100lbs Swimming 4x/Week
    212. How Long Can a Person Live with HIV?.
    213. How Long Can People Live?.
    214. How Long Will I Live? - Calculator
    215. How Long Are You Going to Live? - Life Expectancy Calculator
    216. How Long Will Someone Survive After Removal of Life Support?
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    218. How Long Can We Expect to Live in Good Health?.
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    222. How Long Will You Live After Retirement? (It's Not 80 Years)
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    225. How Alcohol Impacts the Brain
    226. How Alcohol Affects Your Kidneys.
    227. How Alcohol Abuse Affects the Kidneys.
    228. How Alcohol Use Affects Family Members
    229. How Addiction Hijacks the Brain
    230. How Drugs & Alcohol Can Fuel Violent Behaviors
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    233. How Weed Affects Your Mind & Body
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    237. How Brain Training Can Make You Significantly Smarter.
    238. How Brain Works, Function, Parts & Conditions.
    239. How the Aging Brain Affects Thinking
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    241. How Homelessness Impacts Mental Health
    242. How Worry and Anxiety Impact Longevity.
    243. How Happiness Changes Over the Lifespan
    244. How Being Happy Makes You Healthier
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    246. How Music Affects Mental Health
    247. How Music Affects the Brain
    248. How Music Helps With Mental Health
    249. How Music Can Benefit Health
    250. How Music Can Help You Heal
    251. How Music Can Change the Way You Feel and Act
    252. How the Science of Music Can Help You
    253. How Listening to Music Can Have Psychological Benefits
    254. How Certain Songs Can Impact Our Brain
    255. How Anxiety Impacts Everyday Life
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    259. How Mental Illness Shaped the Works of These 5 Artists
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    267. How Much Vitamin D Should I Take?
    268. How Much Sun Do You Need for Vitamin D?
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    270. How Much Water Should You Drink When It’s Hot Outside?
    271. How Much of Your Body Is Water? What Percentage?
    272. How Much Should You Drink Water Every Day?
    273. How Much Longer You Can Live With a Healthy Lifestyle
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    277. How Much Physical Activity Do Older Adults Need?
    278. How Much Exercise Do You Need If You're Over Age 65?
    279. How Much Science Says You Actually Need to Walk | Time
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    281. How Much Exercise Do I Need Each Week — and Does Walking Even Count?
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    284. How Much Fiber Per Day - Women vs Men
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    286. How Much Should I Eat? Quantity and Quality
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    289. How Much Does Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Cost?
    290. How Much Caffeine Does Tea Have Compared with Coffee?/a>
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    294. How Many Toes Do You Need to Walk? (Explained for Beginners)
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    296. How Many Steps Should I Take a Day?
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    300. How Being Happy Makes You Healthier
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    303. How Humanity Gave Itself an Extra Life | NYT
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    306. How Fat Raises Cancer Risk.
    307. How Red Wine Lost Its Health Halo
    308. How Asthma Affects the Quality of Life in Youth.
    309. How Bacteria in Your Mouth Make Colon Cancer Worse.
    310. How Gut Health Affects Your Anxiety Levels
    311. How Walking Benefits Your Health
    312. How Hyperhidrosis Can Impact Your Life
    313. How Depression, Anxiety and Addiction Go Together and Why it Matters
    314. How Anxiety and Gut Health Are Connected
    315. How Worrying Affects the Body
    316. How Alcohol Impacts Your Health
    317. How Alcohol Affects Your Health
    318. How Different Forms of Debt Affect Our Mental Health
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    320. How a Healthy Body Makes for a Healthier Mind.
    321. How Meditation Supports Health and Healing
    322. How a Lack of Sleep Affects Your Brain and Personality.
    323. How a Daily 10-Minute Exercise Could Boost Your Happiness.
    324. How Different Forms of Debt Affect Our Mental Health
    325. What to Eat If You Want to Live to 100.
    326. What to Eat to Live Longer and Healthier.
    327. What to Eat to Feel Better When You Ate Too Much.
    328. What to Do During Pregnancy to Make Losing the Baby Weight Easier.
    329. What to Do About High Cholesterol.
    330. What to Do When Your Head Hurts.
    331. What to Do If Your Child Is Drinking or Using Drugs
    332. What to Know About Binge Drinking.
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    334. What to Know About Vitamin E.
    335. What to Know If the Only Exercise You're Doing Is Cycling
    336. What to Know About Liposuction
    337. What to Know About Tanning
    338. What to Know About the Blue Zone Diet and Other Healthy Habits for Longevity
    339. What to Expect in Your 50s, 60s and 70s.
    340. What to Expect in Your 60s.
    341. What to Expect in Your 60s - Aging, Lifestyle, Health
    342. What to Expect as You Get Older.
    343. What to Expect as You Get Older | Mayo Clinic
    344. What to Expect as You Get Older | Royal Examiner
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    346. What Is the Secret to Living to 100?
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    348. What Is Insomnia, What's the Cause, and How to Tackle It
    349. What Is Healthy Sleep?
    350. What is Health and Wellness? Similarities & Important Differences
    351. What Is a Healthy Lifestyle?
    352. What Is Healthy Living?
    353. What is Wellness? Understanding the Concept of Wellness
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    355. What Is Normal for the Body and Brain As We Age?
    356. What Is Normal and What Can You Do About Aging?
    357. What Is Biological Age? Your Cells Reveal How Old You Are
    358. What Is It Mean to Live a Happy Life?
    359. What Is Happiness?
    360. What Is Happiness and Why Is It Important?
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    362. What Is the Average Percentage of Water in the Human Body?
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    364. What Is Alternative Medicine?
    365. What Is a Good Daily Workout Routine?.
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    367. What Is the Grey Rock Method and Is It Effective?
    368. What Is Gray Rocking?
    369. What Gray Rock Method Is and How to Use It Effectively
    370. What Is Prenatal Care? - Health Care During Pregnancy
    371. What Is the Natural Beauty?
    372. What Is Vitamin D and What Does It Do?.
    373. What Is Hard Water?
    374. What Is Hard Water? - The Hard Facts
    375. What Is Hard Water and How It Affects?
    376. What Is the Paleo Diet?.
    377. What Is the Difference Between Natural and Refined Sugars?
    378. What Is Betaine? - Your Comprehensive Guide.
    379. What Is Betaine HCL Used for?
    380. What Is Betaine in Skin Care?.
    381. What Is Substance Abuse Treatment?
    382. What Is Coco Betaine?.
    383. What Is Addiction?
    384. What Is Addiction? | Harvard Health
    385. What Is Marijuana?
    386. What Is Cocaine Addiction?
    387. What Is Drug Abuse Addiction?
    388. What Is the Most Dangerous Drug?
    389. What Is Cannabis Use Disorder?
    390. What Is Alcoholism?
    391. What Is the Difference Between Social Drinking and Problem Drinking?
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    396. What Is Music, Health, and Wellbeing and Why Is It Important?.
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    399. What Is the Relationship Between Nutrition and Health
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    401. What Is Tattoos' Significance? - Advances in Psychiatric Treatment
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    406. What Is the Link Between Anxiety and Gut Health?
    407. What Is Suicidal Ideation?
    408. What Is Body Scan Meditation?
    409. What 'It's a Wonderful Life' Teaches Us About American History
    410. What Are Nootropics?
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    417. What Are the Best Fruits for You?.
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    421. What Are the Risks and Benefits of Drinking Cold Water?
    422. What Are E-Cigarettes (Electronic Cigarettes)?
    423. What Are Cocaine and Marijuana?.
    424. What Are Marijuana’s Long-Term Effects on the Brain?.
    425. What Are Marijuana's Effects?
    426. What Are Marijuana's Long-term Effects on the Brain?.
    427. What Are the Mental and Physical Effects of Ecstasy (MDMA)?
    428. What Are Addiction Treatment Options?.
    429. What Are the Signs of Addiction?
    430. What Are the Signs That Someone Is Shooting Up Drugs
    431. What Are the Most Dangerous Drugs?
    432. What Are the Most Dangerous Drugs to Get Addicted to?
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    435. What Are the Biggest Benefits of Regular Exercise?.
    436. What Are the Top 12 Benefits of Swimming?.
    437. What Are the Benefits of Music Therapy?.
    438. What Are the Benefits of Eating Healthy?.
    439. What Are the Benefits of Walking?
    440. What Are the Benefits and Risks of Alternate Nostril Breathing?
    441. What Should Be Disinfected? - Cleaning Home
    442. What Causes Addiction? - Understanding Substance Addiction.
    443. What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?.
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    445. What Causes Swollen Eyelids?
    446. What Causes an Eating Disorder: A Biopsychosocial Perspective
    447. What Causes Belly Fat?.
    448. What Causes Belly Fat as We Age?.
    449. What Causes Lower Belly Fat?.
    450. What Causes a Big Belly in Women?.
    451. What Causes Menopause Belly and How to Fix It?
    452. What Causes Night Sweats in Women
    453. What Causes a Swollen Under-Eye?
    454. What Causes Bags and Dark Circles Under Eyes?
    455. What Causes Porn Addiction?
    456. What Actually Makes Us Happy?
    457. What Makes People Happy? | Study
    458. What Makes People Happy? | Lifehack
    459. What Makes People Happy? | Psychology Today
    460. What Makes People Happy? | Joyful Days.
    461. What Makes Retirees Happy?.
    462. What Happens When You Age?.
    463. What Happens to the Brain As We Age?
    464. What Happens When We All Live to 100?
    465. What Happens to Your Body When You Do Interval Walking
    466. What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Tea Daily
    467. What Happens When You Drink Red Wine Every Night?
    468. What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Milk Daily?
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    472. What Happens When You Sleep?
    473. What Sleep Is, Why It’s Important, Stages, REM & NREM
    474. What It Means to Drink in Moderation
    475. What Does Wellbeing Actually Mean?
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    486. What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements? | FDA
    487. What You Need to Know About Comirnaty
    488. What You Need to Know About Coffee and Cholesterol
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    498. What You Can Do to Maintain Your Health
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    500. What Age Do Most People Retire?
    501. What Walking 10,000 Steps Does (and Doesn’t) Do for You
    502. What Size Water Softener Do I Need? (Simple Calculator)
    503. What the Research Really Shows Relationship Between Coffee and Cancer?
    504. What Percentage of the Human Body Is Water?
    505. What Experts Really Think About Diet Soda
    506. What Manufacturers & Doctors Say About Expired Hand Sanitizer?
    507. What Milk Can Do for You
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    512. What the World's Longest Living People Have in Common?
    513. When Belly Fat Won't Budge After 50?
    514. When Was Hand Sanitizer Invented?
    515. When Mask-Wearing Rules in the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Faced Resistance
    516. When Night Clubs Meet Fitness Studios.
    517. When to Retire: The Pros and Cons of Different Ages
    518. When a Woman Stole His Dog... He's Paying for Her Drug Rehab.
    519. When Should You Retire?
    520. When Did People Start Brushing Their Teeth?
    521. When to Drink Coffee to Cut Your Risk of Heart Death
    522. When to Apply for Medicaid for Your Aging Family Member
    523. Where Have All the Primary Care Doctors Gone?
    524. Where to Find Germs in the Home
    525. Which Drink Is Healthier Between Coffee and Tea?
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    545. Why Water Is Important to Human Health?
    546. Why Sugar Is Bad for You.
    547. Why Healthy Living Is Just as Important as Fashion and Style?
    548. Why People Still Smoke When We Know It Can Kill Us?
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    553. Why Vitaminwater Might Be Just as Bad for You as Coke?
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    563. Why Belly Fat Can Be So Stubborn?
    564. Why Belly Fat Is Stubborn and How You Can Break It?
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    575. Why Is Water Important? | Live Science
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    587. Why Older People Are Happier Than You?
    588. Why Population Aging Matters
    589. Why Mental Health Is So Important
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    591. Why Girls With Tattoos and Piercings Are Broken
    592. Why People Get Tattoos
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    595. Why (the Right Amount of) Coffee Is Good for You | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    596. Why People Fear Growing Up and Functioning as Adults
    597. Why Americans Are Uniquely Afraid to Grow Old | Time
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    603. Why Women in the U.S. Now Have a Life Expectancy Nearly 6 Years Longer than Men
    604. Why the Life Expectancy Gap Between Men and Women Is Growing
    605. Why Healthspan May Be More Important Than Lifespan
    606. Why Strength Training Is as Important as Cardio
    607. Why Mindfulness Makes You more Productive—and How to Make it Work for You
    608. Why Your Diet Needs More Fermented Pickles
    609. Why Gut Health Issues Are More Common in Women

    Health Guides, Beauty & Fitness
    ▷ Health & Beauty: History, Guide & Tips
    1. Life Expectancy - History Wiki
    2. US Life Expectancy Falls In 'Historic" Decline
    3. The Setting of the Rising Sun? - A Recent Comparative History of Life Expectancy Trends in Japan and Australia
    4. Health And Beauty: A History of Cosmetics from Cleopatra to Marie Antoinette
    5. The History of Drug Abuse and Addiction Rehabilitation
    6. The History of Hand Sanitizer
    7. The History of Hand Sanitizer and Why It's Important
    8. The History of Skincare
    9. The History of Injectable Facial Fillers
    10. The History of Hair Styling Products and Tools
    11. The History of Beauty
    12. The History of Plastic Surgery
    13. History of Natural Hair and How It Reflects Black History
    14. History of Facial Reconstruction
    15. History of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    16. History of the Opioid Epidemic: How Did We Get Here?
    17. History of Addictions
    18. History of Substance Abuse Treatment
    19. History of Narcotic Drug Addiction Problems
    20. History of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse in America
    21. A History of Cosmetics from Ancient Times
    22. A Brief History of Cosmetic Surgery
    23. A Brief History of Skincare Through the Ages
    24. A Brief History of Clinique
    25. A Brief History of the Beauty Industry
    26. A Brief History of Contact Lenses
    27. Historical and Cultural Aspects of Man's Relationship with Addictive Drugs
    28. Hair & History: A Short Story on the Evolution of Hair in the African
    29. Drug Use in History – Social Problems
    30. The Most Dangerous Drugs Ever Unleashed on the Human Population in the History of Medicine
    31. Moments in Black Beauty History - Our Makeup History
    32. A Look at the History of Facial Hair in America
    33. Different Types of Facials from World Over - History of Facials
    34. The Surprising and Surprisingly Contentious - History of Purell
    35. Medical Face Masks: An Illustrated History
    36. Short Facts and History About Cardio Exercises
    37. Artificial Sweeteners: History and New Concepts on Inflammation
    38. Plastic Surgery History: Interesting Information and Origin
    39. The Ugly History of Cosmetic Surgery
    40. Life Span and Life Expectancy from Prehistory to Today
    41. Physical Fitness: Its History, Evolution, and Future
    42. Tai Chi: Benefits, Types, and History.
    43. Tai Chi: Learn About Benefits and History.
    44. Parent's Guide to Fentanyl
    45. The Ultimate Guide to Colored Contact Lenses
    46. The Ultimate Guide to Aging Well: Diet, Exercise and Health Tips
    47. The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight After Pregnancy
    48. The Ultimate Guide to Mixing Alcohol and Medicine
    49. The Definitive Guide on Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin
    50. The Ultimate Guide to Gambling Addiction
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    53. A Guide to Longevity Throughout History
    54. A Guide to Living with Diabetes and High Cholesterol
    55. A Guide to Drug and Alcohol Rehab
    56. A Guide to Taking Care of Your Skin
    57. A Guide to United States Cosmetic Products Compliance
    58. A Guide to Meditation for Beginners
    59. A Complete Guide to Feeding Baby.
    60. A Complete Guide to Longevity – Live Longer and Better
    61. A Definitive Guide to Healthy Aging
    62. A Guide for Seniors
    63. Guide for Parents of Addicted Children and Teens
    64. Guide to Creating a Healthier Relationship with Social Media
    65. Guide to Healthy Living
    66. Guide to Psychotherapy for Drug Addiction and Substance Misuse
    67. Guide to Exercising Through the Ages.
    68. Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart
    69. Guide to Living a Healthy Lifestyle at an Old Age
    70. Guide to Technology and Its Effects on Insomnia
    71. Guide to Insomnia and Technology
    72. Guide to AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® IOL - Lenses to Match Your Lifestyle
    73. Guidelines for Contact Lens Wear
    74. Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour | BMJ
    75. Practice Guideline: Treatment for Insomnia and Disrupted Sleep Behavior in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    76. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
    77. Your Complete Guide to Menopause and Insomnia
    78. Benefits of Learning an Instrument: The Ultimate Guide
    79. Dealing with Workplace Bullying - A Worker's Guide
    80. Face Coverings/Mask Guidelines
    81. A Low-Carb Diet for Beginners – The Ultimate Guide.
    82. Swimming for Weight Loss: The Ultimate Guid
    83. Asia Personal Care & Cosmetics Market Guide
    84. Surgery for Eye Bags: Costs & Treatment Guide
    85. Soft Contact Lens Identification Guide
    86. The Opioid Guide: A Resource Guide for Practicing Psychologists
    87. Opioid Addiction Treatment Guide
    88. Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide
    89. Drug & Alcohol Rehab Guides
    90. Drugs and Alcohol - Substance Abuse Prevention Guide
    91. Recovery Resource Guides - Get Help & Support
    92. Addiction Recovery Support Guides
    93. Addiction Education: e-Books & Guides
    94. e-Books & Guides for Parents & Caregivers of Teens & Young Adults Addicted to Opioids
    95. The Safest Bet: A Guide to Understanding Problem Gambling for Veterans and Clinicians
    96. Nevada's Guide to Gambling Addiction | University of Nevada
    97. A Self-Help Guide to Overcoming Gambling Problems
    98. Gambling Addiction Guide & Helpful Tips to Stop
    99. Take Charge of Your Health: A Guide for Teenagers
    100. Exercise, Sleep, Screens: New Guidelines for Children Under 5.
    101. Creating a Healthier Life: Wellness Guide.
    102. The Essential Guide to Leading a Happier Life
    103. An Expert's Guide to Finding Happiness (Video)
    104. Post Retirement Options Guide
    105. Intermittent Fasting 101: A Complete Guide for Beginners
    106. Creating a Healthier Life - Step-By-Step Guide to Wellness
    107. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
    108. Workout Guide
    109. Warm Weather Fitness Guide
    110. Gym Equipment Guide for Beginners.
    111. Creating a Healthier Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Wellness
    112. Army Pocket Physical Training Guide
    113. Fitness 101: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Exercise
    114. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: A Guide to Keeping Healthy
    115. Healthy Living Guide
    116. Student's Guide to Eating Healthy in College
    117. A College Guide to Eating Healthy
    118. A Definitive Guide to Skin Care
    119. Skincare Buying Guide.
    120. Botox for Fine Lines: A Complete Guide
    121. The Handy Guide to Lose Belly Fat.
    122. Eat Well, Exercise More - Guidelines to Reduce Risk of Dementia.
    123. Mindful Eating 101 — A Beginner’s Guide
    124. Paleo Diet 101: Beginner’s Guide
    125. The Paleo Diet — A Beginner's Guide
    126. Teeth Whitening: The Definitive Guide.
    127. Adolescent Mental Healths - A Guide for Parents
    128. Contact Lens Tips
    129. Workout Tips.
    130. E-bike Safety Tips for Seniors
    131. Pregnancy Diet Tips for Women With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
    132. Pregnancy Tips on Health, Body, Preparing for a Baby
    133. Makeup Tips: Tips for Eyes.
    134. Tips for Cutting Down on Sugar.
    135. Tips for Long Life
    136. Tips for a Longer Life | Harvard
    137. Tips for Staying Healthy
    138. Tips for Staying Healthy While Stuck at Home
    139. Tips for Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight
    140. Tips for Healthy Eating & Fitness Habits for College Students
    141. Tips to Help Teens Train and Compete Safely in Sports
    142. Tips to Be Fit: Getting Teens Started with Fitness.
    143. Tips on Hydration from Sports Dietitians.
    144. Life Style Wellness Coaching.
    145. Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Teeth
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    147. Importance of Healthy Life Style in Healthy Living
    148. Nutrition Tips for College Students
    149. Freshman 15 — Why We Think It's a Toxic Myth - Tips for Healthy Diet as a Student
    150. Sports and Fitness Safety Tips for High School Athletes.
    151. Healthy Eating Tips for College Students
    152. Healthy Aging Tips for the Older Adults in Your Life
    153. Healthy Living Facts, Diet and Exercise Tips & Tools for Success.
    154. Health Tips.
    155. Health Tips for Older Adults.
    156. Health & Fitness: Tips for Success | WebMD.
    157. Health and Beauty Tips.
    158. Health and Beauty Tips
    159. Health and Beauty Tips for Women over 40.
    160. Health and Beauty Tips to Help You Look and Feel Fantastic
    161. Natural Living Tips.
    162. Digestive Health Tips.
    163. Easy Beauty Tips Every Woman Should Know.
    164. Daily Tips to Help Your Family Eat Better.
    165. Fitness, Exercise and Workout Tips.
    166. Fitness Tips for 50-Plus | Johns Hopkins Medicine.
    167. Fitness Tips for Kids.
    168. Fitness Trainer Offers Tips for Sticking With a Healthier Lifestyle.
    169. Holistic Lifestyle Tips.
    170. Expert Tips to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes | Consumer Reports.
    171. Long Life: Tips on Sleep and Diet
    172. Nutritional Deficiency Diseases: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention Tips
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    174. Sleeping Tips & Tricks.
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    176. Loneliness and Social Isolation — Tips for Staying Connected
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    178. Miss USA 2017 Contestants Give Diet and Fitness Tips.
    179. 4 Tips for Eating Well with High Cholesterol - Diabetes.
    180. 5 Tips for Healthy Skin
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    182. 5 Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle.
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    184. 5 Tips for a Healthy Life.
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    220. 13 Tips for Aging Gracefully with Exercise, Diet, and Wellness.
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    245. 27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based.
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    251. 35 Natural Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin
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    254. 45 Tips to Live a Healthier Life.
    255. 45 Best Health Tips Ever.
    256. 50 Best Beauty Tips: The Only Beauty Advice You'll Ever Need
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    258. 51 Health and Beauty Tips
    259. 65 Retirement Tips for a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Retirement
    260. 75 of the Most Timeless Beauty Tips.
    261. 100-year-old Sisters Share 5 Top Tips for Leading a Long, Happy Life
    262. 101 Health and Wellness Tips for College Students | RN Central
    263. 101 Beauty Tips for Girls.
    264. 110 Beauty Tips and Grooming Hacks for Men Made Simple
    265. 251 Best Health and Beauty Tips Images.
    ▷ Health & Beauty: Magazines & Newspapers
    1. Women's Workouts, Health Advice & Beauty Tips.
    2. Best Workout Tips and Health Trends
    3. World & Local Health, Disease & Science News.
    4. Health News | The New York Times
    5. Health News and Wellness | The Washington Post
    6. Health | BBC News.
    7. Health and Science | CNBC
    8. Health & Wellness News.
    9. Health News, Headlines and Video | CBS
    10. Fitness, Nutrition, Tools, News | Health.com
    11. Fitness News | ScienceDaily
    12. Health | Time
    13. Health News | CNN
    14. Health News Articles, Tips & Advice.
    15. Health & Fitness | Miami Herald
    16. Health News, Latest Medical, Nutrition, Fitness News | ABC
    17. Health, Latest Medical, Fitness, Healthcare & Nutrition News | Fox News.
    18. Health News, Nutrition Facts, Fitness Advice | HuffPost.
    19. Health News, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare & More | NBC News.
    20. Health Information and News | Forbes
    21. Living and Fitness | News-Gazette
    22. Health News | The Telegraph.
    23. Health & Wellness Program: Rally | UnitedHealthcare.
    24. Get in Shape | Aetna.
    25. Exercise, Fitness and Workout Tips and Advice | AARP.
    26. Men's Health & Fitness Tips, Advice | Men's Journal.
    27. Health News | Medical News Today
    28. Diet and Fitness Tips and Information | US News.
    29. Life Style | India Times
    30. Women's Health and Fitness | Cosmopolitan
    31. Health | 9News.com.
    32. Health and Fitness News, Tips, Recipes, and Exercises | Greatist
    33. Health Nutrition, Tips, News and Diet | Boldsky
    34. Health, Fitness, Care, Tips and News | Health Spectra
    35. Women Health and Fitness | Woman's Day.
    36. Health and Fitness Businesses News | Entrepreneur.
    37. Health News and Tips | Hindustan Times
    38. Health and Wellness | Rochelle Community Hospital
    39. Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Fitness, Diet and Relationships | Today
    40. Health Care, Fitness and Weight Loss Tips | Fitnistics
    41. Fitness Tips & Tricks for a Healthy Living | Beachbody on Deemand.
    42. Health & Fitness | ArcaMax
    43. Health & Fitness News, Diet Reviews, Fitness Tips | Daily Herald.
    44. Fitness Tips, Diet Reviews, and Workout Inspiration | Fitness Goals
    45. Health & Fitness Apps | Apple
    46. Health & Fitness Apps | Google Play.
    47. Health, Fitness Tips | Baylor College of Medicine
    48. Bronson Athletic Club | Bronson Healthcare.
    49. Life Style | Business Insider
    50. Health News, Health & Fitness, Health Care Tips - Qatar Day
    51. Fitness Tips | Austin Benefits
    52. Fitness Tips, and Health Information | Be Fit Physical
    53. Health News and Tips | Corporate Wellness
    54. "Fitness and Health care tips | IndiaTV News
    55. Health, Fitness, Wellness and Nutrition | Lybrate
    56. News & Analysis on Healthcare | HealthWorks Collective
    57. Health Tips for Older Adults | NIDDK
    58. Fitness Tips, News, and Success Stories | Nustep.
    59. Fitness and Exercise News, Tips | Abstract Bodyworks
    60. Healthy Living | ACE Fitness.
    61. Health News on Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss | BlackDoctor
    62. Life Style | The Courier-Journal
    63. Natural Health Information Articles and Health Newsletter.
    ▷ Health & Beauty: Meditation - Exercise - Workout - Fitness
    1. Meditation: Take a Stress-reduction Break Wherever You Are
    2. Daily Calm: 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation - Be Present (video)
    3. Simple Meditation for Beginners - 3 Most Easy Techniques
    4. The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Exercise on Anxiety
    5. Getting Started with Mindfulness
    6. Corporate Wellness - Health, Wellness and an Improved Bottom Line
    7. Cardiovascular Effects and Benefits of Exercise
    8. The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise
    9. Physical Activity and Health
    10. Physical Activity and Your Mental Health
    11. Physical Activity and Brain Health
    12. Physical Activity and Your Heart.
    13. Physical Exercise Beefs Up the Brain
    14. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
    15. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report
    16. Physical Activity | WHO
    17. Physical Activity
    18. Physical Activity - Obesity Prevention Source
    19. Physical Activity for Adults
    20. Physical Activity for Children and Youth
    21. Physical Activity: Walk
    22. Physical Wellness Toolkit
    23. General Physical Activities Defined by Level of Intensity
    24. Lack of Physical Activity
    25. Real-Life Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity
    26. A Proven Way to Exercise.
    27. Outline of Exercise.
    28. To Live Longer, Exercise Daily.
    29. Make Fitness More Affordable
    30. Making Exercise Fun.
    31. Types of Physical Activities.
    32. Types of Exercise - Benefit from Activity.
    33. Types of Exercise: Different Types of Exercise and Their Benefits.
    34. Exercise and Physical Activity | National Institute on Aging
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    37. Exercise and the Ever-Smarter Human Brain.
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    96. The Amazing Health Benefits of Walking Outside Every Day
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    98. The Benefits of Walking | Real Simple
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    101. Benefits of Physical Activity | CDC
    102. Benefits, Risks, Barriers, and Facilitators to Cycling: A Narrative Review
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    112. Health A to Z.
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    168. Tai Chi on Psychological Well-Being.
    169. Tai Chi and Qi Gong: In Depth.
    170. Tai Chi and Qi Gong for Health and Well-Being (video).
    171. Tai Chi Benefits: Stress Reduction, Weight Loss, for Older Adults
    172. Introduction to Taichi and Qigong.
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    174. Weight Training Exercises.
    175. Weight Training Can Be Easy and Still Build Strength. Here’s How.
    176. Is 30 Minutes of Swimming Better Than Running on the Treadmill for One Hour?.
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    180. Food for Sport and Exercise.
    181. Meal Timing and Weight Loss: Does It Matter When You Eat?.
    182. Chair Based Exercise.
    183. Aerobic Exercise Benefits, Types, Steps & Examples.
    184. Too Busy to Workout? The Secret to Finding Time.
    185. The Beginner Bodyweight Workout.
    186. Kind of Exercises During Pregnancy?
    187. Gym Core Workout – Best Core Exercises You Can Do at the Gym
    188. Gym Workout Schedule for Men & Beginners
    189. Gym Equipment Names and Pictures.
    190. No Gym Necessary: 4 Anywhere-Exercises.
    191. New Year Battle Plan for Every Guy
    192. 3 Main Types of Exercise.
    193. 3 Practices for Daily Peace for Busy Midlife Women
    194. 4 Types of Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Physical Ability
    195. 4 Pillars of Any Good Gym Routine.
    196. 4 Most Important Types of Exercise.
    197. 4 Tai Chi Meditation Techniques.
    198. 4-Week Workout Plan for Women.
    199. 5-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere (video)
    200. 5 Surprising Benefits of Walking
    201. 4 Dryland Exercises Swimmers Can Do at Home.
    202. 5 Minute Mindfulness Activities for Students
    203. 5 Different Types of Exercises and Their Functions
    204. 5 Ways to Exercise Your Thankfulness Muscles.
    205. 5 Pelvic Floor Exercises for Everyone
    206. 5 Most Common Workout Misconceptions.
    207. 5 Top Benefits of Cycling
    208. 6 Top Exercises for Offsetting 'Obesity Genes'
    209. 6 Health Benefits of Walking Every Day, and How to Make a Habit of It
    210. 6 Full-Body Stretching Exercises.
    211. 6 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners of Any Age
    212. 6 Week Workout Program to Build Muscle.
    213. 6 Workouts to Tighten Your Abs, Strengthen Your Back, and Improve Balance.
    214. 6 Different Kinds of Pushups and Their Benefits.
    215. 6 Ways to Strengthen Your Abs, Build Muscle, and Get Fit in the Pool.
    216. 6 Ways to Build Muscle After 50.
    217. 6 Benefits of Walking 30 Minutes a Day
    218. 7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
    219. 7 Outdoor Workouts to Melt Fat and Build Muscle.
    220. 7 Morning Workout Tips for People Who Don't Do Mornings.
    221. 7 Minute Workout
    222. 7 Mindfulness Techniques for College Students
    223. 7 Most Effective Exercises (Photos).
    224. 7 Common Exercise Moves That Actually Work Against You.
    225. 7 Simple Exercises to get in Shape Fast. (video)
    226. 7 Essential Barbell Exercises to Get Stronger
    227. 7 Workout Habits You Should Drop Now.
    228. 7 Mind-Blowing Benefits of Exercise.
    229. 7 Proven Health Benefits of Walking Every Day
    230. 8 Fun Outdoor Exercise Ideas.
    231. 8 Pool Exercises for a Full-Body Workout
    232. 8 Swimming Exercises That Get You Ripped
    233. 8 Dimensions of Wellness
    234. 9 Benefits of Biking 30 Minutes a Day
    235. 9 Best at Home Cardio Exercises.
    236. 9 Best Exercises for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain.
    237. 9 Complete Workouts to Help You Get Fit and Healthy.
    238. 9 Great Cardio Exercises for People Who Hate Running
    239. 9 Wellness Trends to Ditch
    240. 9 Ways Walking Benefits Your Health, According to Doctors
    241. 10 Top Best Exercises.
    242. 10 Week Mass Building Program .
    243. 10 Workout Secrets
    244. 10 Lessons I Learned from My Weight-Loss Journey
    245. 10 Best Biceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle
    246. 10 Best Outdoor Workout Exercises to Build Muscle
    247. 10 Best Exercises You Can Do for the Rest of Your Life.
    248. 10 Best Exercises for Everyone.
    249. 10 Best New Exercises for Women.
    250. 10 Best Indoor at Home Exercises & Workouts.
    251. 10 Great Flexibility Exercises.
    252. 10 Top Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
    253. 10 Effective Weight Loss and Fat Burning Exercises.
    254. 10 Types of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises.
    255. 10 Apps That Are Changing Healthcare
    256. 10 Simple Morning Exercises.
    257. 10 Swimming Workouts That Burn Major Calories.
    258. 10 Water Activities to Lose Weight
    259. 10 Top Benefits of Regular Exercise
    260. 10 Incredible Benefits of Walking for 30 Minutes in a Day
    261. 10 Reasons Cycling Is Good for You
    262. 10 Benefits of Cycling That’ll Make You Want to Hop on a Bike for Your Next Cardio Workout
    263. 11 Basic, Beginner Workout Tips to Help You Get Fit.
    264. 11 Simple Hacks to Get More from Every Workout.
    265. 11 Strength Training Moves for Women Over 50.
    266. 11 Exercises for Lower Back Pain Relief.
    267. 11 Research-Backed Health Benefits of Cycling
    268. 12 Full-Body Walking Benefits
    269. 12-Week Fit Body Bikini Program.
    270. 12 Essential Water Workouts for Burning Fat.
    271. 12 Benefits of Cycling ...
    272. 13 Signs Your Excessive Sweating: Sign of a Serious Medical Condition
    273. 13 Best Dumbbell Exercises.
    274. 13 Impressive Benefits of Physical Activity
    275. 14 Facts and Fallacies About Health, Fitness, and Exercise That You Must Know.
    276. 14 Types of Push-Ups.
    277. 15 Full-Body Walking Benefits, According to Doctors and Trainers
    278. 15 Health Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps a Day
    279. 15 Fun Facts About Exercise
    280. 17 Top Best Exercise Bike to Lose Weight Fast at Home
    281. 19 Benefits of Cycling for Physical Health, Mental Health, and the Society
    282. 19 Reasons to Go for a Walk
    283. 19 Best Glute Exercises and Workouts of All Time
    284. 20 Best Health Benefits of Physical Exercise
    285. 20 Best Cardio Exercises of All Time.
    286. 21 Chair Exercises for Seniors.
    287. 23 Exercise Statistics & Facts
    288. 25 Fitness Terms for Beginners.
    289. 25 At-Home Exercises.
    290. 25 Effective Exercises You Can Do Anywhere.
    291. 25 Strength-Training Exercises for Best Upper-Body Workout.
    292. 27 Benefits of Cycling
    293. 28-Day Workout Challenge for Beginners.
    294. 28 Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners to Learn
    295. 29 Important Pros & Cons of Bicycling
    296. 30 Great Benefits of Cycling.
    297. 30 Meditation Exercises and Activities to Practice Today
    298. 35 Amazing Health Benefits of Running.
    299. 40 Top Best Cardio Exercises You Can Do at Home.
    300. 45-Day Military Fitness Program
    301. 50 Exercises for Bodyweight Workout.
    302. 53 At-Home Bodyweight Exercises.
    303. 50 Amazing Benefits of Walking Daily, According to Science.
    304. 250+ Amazing Exercise Pictures.
    305. 500+ Best Exercise Pictures.
    306. 10,000 Steps a Day: Too Low? Too High?
    307. 10,000 Steps a Day Won't Keep You Fit. Here's What Will

    1. Vitamin: Definition, Types, & Facts
    2. Vitamins and Brain Development
    3. Brain Vitamins: Can Vitamins Boost Memory?
    4. Brain Vitamins: The Top Vitamins & Minerals for Your Mind
    5. Daily Multivitamin Potentially Linked With Improved Cognition in Older Adults in New Study
    6. Vitamins and Supplements That May Boost Your Mood and Brain Health
    7. Harvard Nutritionist: The No. 1 Vitamin to Keep Your Brain 'Young and Healthy' ...
    8. Best Vitamin for Brain Fog ...
    9. Reversing Heart Disease With a Vitamin
    10. Antioxidant Vitamins and the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
    11. Vitamins Good for Your Heart
    12. Time to Stock up on Zinc?
    13. Vitamin Deficiencies - An Overview
    14. Do Multivitamins Work? The Surprising Truth
    15. Do You Need a Daily Supplement? | Harvard Health
    16. Vitamin Supplements: Benefits & Risks
    17. Should You Take a Multivitamin?
    18. Do I Need Vitamin Supplements?
    19. Most Vitamin Pills Are Useless, But ...
    20. Vitamins and Minerals for Older Adults
    21. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Good or Bad?
    22. Vitamins: The Good, The Bad and The Unnecessary
    23. Vitamins: Good or Bad?
    24. Vitamins and Minerals Good or Bad?
    25. Vitamin and Mineral Requirements in Human Nutrition
    26. Food and Vitamins and Supplements! Oh My! | Harvard
    27. Scientific Opinion on the Safety and Efficacy of Betaine
    28. Vitamin and Mineral Safety
    29. Vitamins and Minerals: Efficacy and Safety
    30. Vitamins for the Elderly
    31. Vitamins, Are They Safe? | NIH
    32. Vitamins, Are They Safe?
    33. Dietary Supplements: Do They Help or Hurt? | Harvard
    34. Are Vitamins Dangerous?
    35. Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements
    36. The Danger of Dietary Supplements
    37. The Dangers of Vitamin Megadoses
    38. Hidden Dangers in Vitamins, Supplements? - The Chart
    39. The Hidden Dangers in Your Dietary Supplements
    40. Serious Dangers of Synthetic and Unnatural Vitamins
    41. The Hidden Dangers in Your Dietary Supplements
    42. Is There Really any Benefit to Multivitamins? | JHU
    43. The Safety and Efficacy of Vitamin Supplements
    44. Vitamin Pills 'Don't Make You Healthier'
    45. Can Nutrient Deficiency Cause Depression?
    46. Can You Overdose on Vitamins?
    47. Can You Drink Coffee When Taking Multivitamins?
    48. Are Calcium Supplements Harmful to Cardiovascular Disease?
    49. Thinking Twice About Calcium Supplements.
    50. Are Supplements Killing You?
    51. Could Common Vitamin Supplements Raise Lung Cancer Risk?.
    52. Do Kids Need Vitamin Supplements?
    53. Do You Need to Take Vitamins?
    54. Do Vitamins and Supplements Work?
    55. Vitamin Supplements: Popping Too Many?
    56. Are Vitamin Supplements Necessary?
    57. Are Vitamins Worth It?: The Truth Behind 8 Supplements ...
    58. Can Vitamins Help with Heart Disease?
    59. Betaine Hydrochloride Uses, Benefits & Side Effects
    60. Harmful Effects of Supplements Can Send You to the Emergency | Harvard
    61. Vitamin Toxicity: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    62. Vitamins - Common Misconceptions
    63. Vitamin Supplements: Benefits & Risks
    64. Vitamins: Too Much of a Not-So-Good Thing?
    65. Taking Too Many Vitamins? Side Effects of Vitamin Overdosing
    66. Vitamins That Are a Waste of Money and Could Be Dangerous
    67. Vitamins Not Always Beneficial and Can Cause Harm
    68. Vitamin Toxicity: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    69. Most Vitamins Are Useless, But ...
    70. Most Vitamin Pills Are Useless, But ...
    71. Vitamins from Food — Not Supplement
    72. Vitamin Water Good or Bad for You?
    73. Vitamin Deficiency Anemia - Symptoms and Causes
    74. Science Doesn't Always Match Policy on Vitamins.
    75. Wearing Sunscreen at All Times Could Starve the Body of Vitamins.
    76. Vitamin A Linked to Lower Odds of Skin Cancer
    77. Vitamin A Supplements Could Harm Bone Health.
    78. Vitamin A: Health Benefits and Risks
    79. B Vitamins and Cardiovascular Disease
    80. B Vitamins: Causes and Symptoms of Deficiency
    81. Intake of Vitamins B6 and C and the Risk of Kidney Stones in Women
    82. Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
    83. Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Seniors
    84. Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
    85. Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
    86. Can any B Vitamins Be Harmful?
    87. Does Vitamin C Contribute to Brain Health?
    88. Vitamin C - Health Professional Fact Sheet.
    89. Vitamin C and Heart Health: A Review Based on Findings from Epidemiologic Studies
    90. Vitamin C Deficiency.
    91. Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency (With Pictures).
    92. Vitamin C Deficiency - Nutritional Disorders.
    93. Increased Vitamin C in the Diet Could Help Protect Against Cataracts.
    94. Are Vitamin C Supplements Bad for Your Teeth?
    95. Vitamin D
    96. About Vitamin D
    97. Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin D
    98. Are You Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D?
    99. Vitamin D Deficiency
    100. Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms & Treatment
    101. Vitamin D Health Risks
    102. Health Risks of Vitamin D Deficiency
    103. Vitamin D Supplements: Are Yours Helping or Hurting You?.
    104. Vitamin D Alone Doesn't Boost Bone Health.
    105. Vitamin D and Brain Health
    106. The Role of Vitamin D in Brain Health
    107. Role of Vitamin D in Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction
    108. Vitamin D Supplements - Healthy or Harmful?
    109. Vitamin D Supplementation in Pregnancy Has No Effect on Reducing Asthma in Children
    110. Is Vitamin D Supplementation Beneficial or Harmful for Women during Pregnancy?
    111. Is Low Level of Vitamin D a Marker of Poor Health, or a Cause?
    112. Vitamin E | Mayo Clinic
    113. Vitamin E Benefits, Foods and Deficiency Symptoms
    114. Vitamin E - The Nutrition Source | Harvard Health
    115. Vitamin E: Cognitive Performance, Acuity and Brain Health
    116. Vitamin E Overdose: Symptoms, Side Effects, and Treatment
    117. Side Effects of Vitamin E You Were Totally Unaware of
    118. High Doses of Vitamin E Supplements Do More Harm Than Good
    119. Vitamin K Antagonists in Heart Disease
    120. Vitamin K2 — A Neglected Player in Cardiovascular Health: A Narrative Review
    121. Vitamin Resources.
    122. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994
    123. 3 Things People Get Completely Wrong About Vitamin.
    124. 4 Vitamins and Minerals to Use for Healthy Hair Growth.
    125. 4 Common Betaine HCL Mistakes.
    126. 4 Common Mistakes When Taking Betaine HCL.
    127. 5 Things You Should Know the Truth About Supplements
    128. 5 Illnesses Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency.
    129. 5 Top Vitamins You Should Not Take | Forbes.
    130. 6 Best Vitamins for Brain Health
    131. 7 Key Vitamins and Minerals for Brain Health
    132. 7 Popular Supplements With Hidden Risks.
    133. 8 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency.
    134. 8 Myths About Vitamin Supplements.
    135. 8 Facts About Vitamins You Should Know
    136. 8 Unique Benefits of Vitamin E
    137. 8 Vitamins That Can Be a Total Waste of Money and Could Even Be Dangerous/li>
    138. 10 Essential Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth [Infographic].
    139. 10 Surprising Dangers of Vitamins and Supplements
    140. 10 Hidden Dangers of Vitamins.
    141. 12 Fascinating Facts About Vitamins
    142. 13 Vitamins Essential for the Optimized Brain
    143. 15 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency.
    144. 20 Foods That Are High in Vitamin E
    145. 25 Interesting and Important Facts About Vitamin A
    146. 27 Health Experts Reveal the Danger of Cheap Multivitamins

    12 Harmful Supplements to Avoid
    Name Purported Uses Possible Dangers Comments
    1. Aconite Inflammation, wounds, gout, join pain. Nauseas, vomiting, toxicity, low blood pressure, respiration-system paralysis, hearth-rhythm disorders, death. Highly toxic as 2 mg of pure aconite or 1 g of plant may cause death. It's the most common cause of severe herbal poisoning in Hong Kong.
    2. Bitter Orange Weight loss, nasal congestion, allergies Hearth-rhythm disorders, heart attack, stroke, death. fainting. When combined in supplements with caffeine it increases the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, fainting, and stroke. This product has synephrine , which is similar to ephedrine, banned by the FDA in 2004.
    3. Chaparral Weight loss, inflammation, infection, cancer, detoxification, cold. Kidney and liver damages. Can cause permanent kidney damage and liver problems. The FDA strongly advised consumers not to use this product.
    4. Colloidal Silver HIV/AIDS, infection, fungal, Lyme disease, rosacea, psoriasis, food poisoning, fatigue, Kidney damage, neurological problems, bluish skin, mucous-membrane discoloration. Can accumulate in the skin and organs causing permanent discoloration.  The FDA strongly advised consumers the risk of discoloration on October 6, 2009.
    5. Coltsfoot Coughing, sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma. Liver problems, cancer. Toxic to the liver and not recommended for internal use.
    6. Comfrey Cough, chest pain, cancer, menstrual periods. Liver damage, cancer. Associated with liver damage and shouldn't be used internally. The FDA advised manufacturers to remove this product from the market in July 2001.
    7. Country Mallow Asthma, nasal congestion, allergies, weight loss, bronchitis. Hearth-rhythm disorders, heart attack, stroke, death. Contains ephedrine alkaloids, which were banned by the FDA in 2004.
    8. Germanium Infection, pain, heart disease, cancer, glaucoma, liver damage, arthritis, osteoporosis, HIV/AIDS. Kidney problems, death. Associated with kidney problems and can contain harmful additives. In 1993 the FDA warned the use of this dangerous product.
    9. Greater Celandine Upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, liver disorders, detoxification, cancer. Liver problems Stomach problems, itching, and liver damage.
    10. Kava Anxiety Liver problems Allergic reactions, blood in the urine, changes in vision, enlarged pupils, lack of coordination, muscle weakness, puffy face, red eyes, shortness of breath, weight loss.  This product is banned in Germany, Canada and Switzerland. The FDA issued a warning of use of this product in 2002.
    11. Lobelia Hearth-rhythm disorders, coughing, bronchitis, asthma. Low/high blood pressure, coma, death, fast heartbeat, toxicity. Profuse sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, rapid heartbeat, mental confusion, convulsions, hypothermia, coma, and possibly even death.
    12. Yohimbe Chest pain, diabetic complications, depression, erectile dysfunction, aphrodisiac. High blood pressure, fast heartbeat, heart disease, death, kidney problems. High blood pressure, increased heart rate, headache, anxiety, dizziness, and sleeplessness, kidney damage. Contains yohimbine, which may cause serious event effects. The FDA issued a warning in 1993.

    Body Energy
    1. Choose healthy fats, limit saturated fat, and avoid trans fat.
    2. Use liquid plant oils for cooking and baking.
    3. Choose a product that has zero grams of trans fat.
    4. Eat at least one good source (e.g.; fatty fish, walnuts, and canola oil) of omega-3 fats each day.
    5. Go lean on meat and milk.
    6. Salads are great, but watch out for the fat-filled dressings.
    7. There is no magic wand pill, or diet that works for the long haul.
    8. Nuts, seeds, whole grains, soy milk, soy nuts, tofu, fiber, oat bran, and beans may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol level by up to 10%.
    9. Tips for Sustainable Eating: prioritize plants, minimize meat, select new seafood, look local, and eat mindfully.

    Benefits of Fruits


    Protects your heart

    Prevents constipation

    Blocks diarrhea

    Improves lung capacity

    Cushions joints


    Combats cancer

    Controls blood pressure

    Saves your eyesight

    Shields against Alzheimer's

    Slows aging process


    Aids digestion

    Lowers cholesterol

    Protects your heart

    Stabilizes blood sugar

    Guards against liver disease


    Battles diabetes

    Lowers cholesterol

    Helps stops strokes

    Controls blood pressure

    Smoothes skin


    Protects your heart

    Quiets a cough

    Strengthens bones

    Controls blood pressure

    Blocks diarrhea


    Prevents constipation

    Helps hemorrhoids

    Lowers cholesterol

    Combats cancer

    Stabilizes blood sugar


    Controls blood pressure

    Combats cancer

    Strengthens bones

    Protects your heart

    Aids weight loss


    Combats cancer

    Protects your heart

    Stabilizes blood sugar

    Boosts memory

    Prevents constipation


    Strengthens bones

    Saves eyesight

    Combats cancer

    Protects your heart

    Controls blood pressure


    Combats cancer

    Prevents constipation

    Promotes weight loss

    Protects your heart

    Helps hemorrhoids


    Saves eyesight

    Controls blood pressure

    Lowers cholesterol

    Combats cancer

    Supports immune system


    Saves eyesight

    Protects your heart

    Prevents constipation

    Combats cancer

    Promotes weight loss


    Protects against Prostate Cancer

    Combats Breast Cancer

    Strengthens bones

    Banishes bruises

    Guards against heart disease


    Protects your heart

    Combats Cancer

    Ends insomnia

    Slows aging process

    Shields against Alzheimer's


    Promotes weight loss

    Protects your heart

    Lowers cholesterol

    Combats Cancer

    Controls blood pressure

    Chili peppers

    Aids digestion

    Soothes sore throat

    Clears sinuses

    Combats Cancer

    Boosts immune system


    Promotes weight loss

    Helps stops strokes

    Lowers cholesterol

    Combats Cancer

    Controls blood pressure


    Protects your heart

    Boosts memory

    Protects your heart

    Combats Cancer

    Supports immune system


    Aids digestion

    Battles diabetes

    Protects your heart

    Improves mental health

    Boosts immune system


    Lowers cholesterol

    Controls blood pressure

    Combats cancer

    Kills bacteria

    Fights fungus


    Protects against heart attacks

    Promotes Weight loss

    Helps stops strokes

    Combats Prostate Cancer

    Lowers cholesterol


    Saves eyesight

    Conquers kidney stones

    Combats cancer

    Enhances blood flow

    Protects your heart

    Green tea

    Combats cancer

    Protects your heart

    Helps stops strokes

    Promotes Weight loss

    Kills bacteria


    Heals wounds

    Aids digestion

    Guards against ulcers

    Increases energy

    Fights allergies


    Combats cancer

    Protects your heart

    Controls blood pressure

    Smoothes skin

    Stops scurvy


    Combats cancer

    Protects your heart

    Controls blood pressure

    Smoothes skin

    Stops scurvy


    Combats cancer

    Boosts memory

    Regulates thyroid

    Aids digestion

    Shields against Alzheimer's


    Controls blood pressure

    Lowers cholesterol

    Kills bacteria

    Combats cancer

    Strengthens bones


    Lowers cholesterol

    Combats cancer

    Battles diabetes

    Prevents constipation

    Smoothes skin

    Olive oil

    Protects your heart

    Promotes Weight loss

    Combats cancer

    Battles diabetes

    Smoothes skin


    Reduce risk of heart attack

    Combats cancer

    Kills bacteria

    Lowers cholesterol

    Fights fungus


    Supports immune systems

    Combats cancer

    Protects your heart

    Straightens respiration


    Prevents constipation

    Combats cancer

    Helps stops strokes

    Aids digestion

    Helps hemorrhoids


    Protects against heart disease

    Promotes Weight loss

    Combats Prostate Cancer

    Lowers cholesterol



    Strengthens bones

    Relieves colds

    Aids digestion

    Dissolves warts

    Blocks diarrhea


    Slows aging process

    Prevents constipation

    Boosts memory

    Lowers cholesterol

    Protects against heart disease


    Protects your heart

    Battles diabetes

    Conquers kidney stones

    Combats cancer

    Helps stops strokes


    Combats cancer

    Protects your heart

    Boosts memory

    Calms stress

    Sweet potatoes

    Saves your eyesight

    Lifts mood

    Combats cancer

    Strengthens bones



    Protects prostate

    Combats cancer

    Lowers cholesterol

    Protects your heart


    Lowers cholesterol

    Combats cancer

    Boosts memory

    Lifts mood

    Protects against heart disease


    Promotes Weight loss

    Combats cancer

    Conquers kidney stones

    Smoothes skin


    Protects prostate

    Promotes Weight loss

    Lowers cholesterol

    Helps stops strokes

    Controls blood pressure

    Wheat germ

    Combats Colon Cancer

    Prevents constipation

    Lowers cholesterol

    Helps stops strokes

    Improves digestion

    Wheat bran

    Combats Colon Cancer

    Prevents constipation

    Lowers cholesterol

    Helps stops strokes

    Improves digestion


    Guards against ulcers

    Strengthens bones

    Lowers cholesterol

    Supports immune systems

    Aids digestion

    Associations & Societies for Cosmetic Laser Surgery
    Academy of Laser Dentistry
    Acc Association for Ambulatory Health Care
    Ambulatory Surgery Center Association
    American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
    American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
    American Academy of Dermatology
    American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
    American Academy of Micro-pigmentation
    American Academy of Ophthalmology
    American Academy of Otolaryngology
    American Board of Medical Specialties
    American College of Phlebology
    American College of Surgeons
    American Dental Association
    American Medical Association
    American National Standards Institute
    American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
    American Soc for Dental Aesthetics
    American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
    American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
    A Soc of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgeons
    Association of Operating Room Nurses
    Center for Devices and Radiological Health
    Int'l Soc of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons
    Int'l Soc for Dermatologic Surgery
    Int'l Soc of Hair Restoration Surgery
    Joint Com on Acc of Healthcare Org
    Laser Education Foundation
    Laser Institute of America
    Lupus Foundation of America
    National Alopecia Areata Foundation
    National Neurofibromatosis Foundation
    National Psoriasis Foundation
    National Rosacea Society
    National Vitiligo Foundation
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    Skin Cancer Foundation
    Sturge Weber Foundation

    Pharmacy - Sports & Recreation

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